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  1. #1

    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Name: Drake

    Age: 17

    Spoken Languages: English.
    Skills / Experience:
    I've been programming for about 3 years, I have experience with C/C++, C#, a bit of Perl, a bit of Delphi/Pascal, and a very small amount of Common Lisp.
    I was a coder at a GM/Coder at ********.)
    I've been out of the Gunz world for a while and I'm looking to get back into it.

    Proof of work:
    Feel free to PM Vengeance on ****** forums, where my status is "Former Coder", and I will respond to your PM. (****** is not loading at the time of this post though.)

    As a testament to how big of a nerd I am, I was working out a math problem, and knew that 2^x had to equal 128 but I didn't know X, and instead of putting it in my calculator I decided to write a program in C(++) to do it for me.

    I've written a custom launcher which has it's own custom auto-updating method, with anti-bypass features. (It allows the client to still have serial key enabled, meaning it can't start without being run by MY launcher and only my launcher can disable it.)
    It also allows for adding custom DLLs such as anti-hacks and addons without fear of someone bypassing it.

    I also have an idea which could be implemented which involves having scripts on a web server, and having a program read them, translate them into bytcode, load them into memory and running from memory, thus being able to execute code without having a file on their hard drive.

    Here I'll show you random chunks of code I've written:

    DLL Injection, nothing special it's been done 1,000 times.

    Update method:

    I hope you've been impressed with my work, I hope I haven't just posted bunches of code and my application is actually readable!
    I really hope I can help you guys work on this server to make it the best it can be.
    Last edited by GunZner; 02-04-2011 at 08:12 AM.

  2. #2
    McSic's Avatar L e a d e r

    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    His app is fake, he's a liar.
    I even talked to the server owners he said he used to work for.
    He's unable to code.


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