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  1. #51
    Tile's Avatar Donator

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    Oct 2010
    Originally Posted by Pickachuuuu View Post
    you funny too because leading is a type of aiming too. when playing air fighting games (like in battlefield 1942/vietnam/2) you have to lead to actually hit an other aircraft since bullets don't travel fast enough to hit the target if you precicly aim on it. thats why you have to predict where its going to shoot a lil in front of it. thats original leading. i like gunz because you have to do this skill to kill. removing this skill factor will make the game too easy in my opinion.
    I agree BUT aircraft in BF2 will be about like 100 feet in the air rather as your fighting opponents in gunz 1 on 1 most likely to be close to your target so anti lead doesn't mean your a baddie lmao I doubt everyone who started gunz on their first day expected LEAD to be inside the game people play FPS to HIT targets.

    and miranda honestly kstyle should be challenging for itself already so anti lead wouldn't make it easier to kill people

  2. #52
    Trixi's Avatar Retired

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    Lead requires more skill than aiming requires, not only that, on some occasions you can be leading a 100 - 150 ping player and in your eyes be hitting your shots, where as your actually missing almost all of them, i think it'll be better with Anti-Lead and personally i'm really good at leading so its not a biased opinion!

  3. #53
    Epiphany's Avatar What's the frequency ?

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    Lead is a part of gunz . And somehow I can't imagine it without lead .

  4. #54
    Jax is le best

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    well if lead is leading brs no thanks, but think about it if you dont lead you dont have to wait long in duel rooms


  5. #55
    Natto's Avatar Piece of Kek

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    lead still wins ;D

    I like to start wildfires

  6. #56
    HellSniper's Avatar Mad Scientist

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    I lead with a Sniper, now tell me you ppl cant Lead with your Shotguns that SPREADS its bullet the further the Pellets Travel ...

  7. The following 3 users say thank you to HellSniper for this useful post:

    Lucky (06-02-2011), Megpoid (06-02-2011), Vickachu (06-02-2011)

  8. #57
    Meko's Avatar iamMewir

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    Too many BRs, anti-lead ftw !

  9. #58
    DrDre's Avatar I can"t control it...

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    Lead its outdated and it just sucks. Brs with 200 pings cant die...
    anti lead beast

  10. #59
    Vickachu's Avatar Vikutoru

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    Originally Posted by Sylar View Post
    Lead its outdated and it just sucks. Brs with 200 pings cant die...
    anti lead beast
    i cant believe that a oldgen like you is sayin this :<

  11. #60

    Join Date
    May 2009
    Originally Posted by Katsuro View Post
    Well, I figured a debate regarding leading would be quite a interesting one to watch.
    I'm sure all of you have played a AntiLead server, and I'm sure all of you had the 'wtfbs' moments.

    My opinion regarding Lead/AntiLead is I prefer lead servers. Why?
    1. In AntiLead servers, there is a higher chance of Shotbots and Aimbots. With no lead systems, It just begs to be abused by cheaters that do use Shotbots or Aimbots. (In case you didn't know the difference, Shotbot is where once your xhair turns 'red' (or is aimed at a person) it will automatically shoot without you having to click. Aimbot is where the xhair will always follow (or sometimes uses a hotkey) a player).

    1a. Another thing regarding Shotbots and Aimbots is you never know when a person is Shotboting! It is sometimes quite difficult to tell when someone is using a Shotbot. Because of this, Player reports will start to come in 10x more. I can see the Player Report section becoming mostly reports of people using Shotbots/Aimbots. People could easily say, "oh mai aim just fuxpro qqless". There is even the chance of people that don't even cheat getting banned! Not to mention this would put quite a load onto the staff.


    2. AntiLead isn't always AntiLead. I'm sure some of you noticed this sometimes. The thing with most AntiLead systems, is it makes up for connection lag. But, When there is also computer or CPU lag (maybe even lag due to a fuxcrap GFX card) the AntiLead system would be useless.

    Theres some good antilead around and some bad ones.

    3. Balancing isn't the same with AntiLead servers and Lead servers. If a server becomes AntiLead, Weap's like SG's need to be nulled a bit compared to Lead servers. I noticed MOST servers have got the point of a decent balance. But, Look at how long it took for some servers to come up with a decent balance formula for lead servers? Imagine how long it can take for people to figure out a decent balance for AntiLead servers. I mean, Imagine if FGunz because AntiLead.. With the current damage on donor SG's, Two PB's (which isn't hard to do in AntiLead servers) your dead. Maybe ~4 shots of mid-range spam your dead.

    So balancing should be done according to antilead. It's not like it's balanced right now either. Just because you're used to it doesn't mean its balanced. You see anyone playing with pistols? I don't, because they are not strong enough, unbalanced. Same goes for just about any weapon beside shotguns and revolvers.

    4. Some people like to think of leading as a skill; It gives more depth to the Gunz experience. I'm sure most people would agree that leading isn't always easy. I would say it can be a bit harder then AntiLead sometimes. Think of it like this: With AntiLead, You don't have to guess or aim ahead of the person you are fighting. You don't have to take the other players ping into consideration and can just shoot at the person without a second thought. With lead on the other hand you have to take the users ping into consideration and at the same time, shoot ahead of that person. I know some people may not agree with me on this point but hey, that's what a debate is all about. ;P

    Leading sometimes does require extra skill, what it also can cause is lame gameplay such as backpedalling to make the opponent go where you want him to, that way you don't have to lead. More skill is not always rewarded, lead is still a matter of guessing and even a mediocre player can kill the best player in the world with some luck.

    5. You also may want to ask yourself why you haven't seen this 'AntiLead' system in many other Online FPS games.

    Bullet take time to arrive, not as much as on gunz though. There are not really any games in which you hit people with bullets and they don't hit at all.

    Anyway, Because of these points I'm against AntiLead servers. You people also may want to note, Haven't you noticed the increase of players in-game recently? I think it is related to a lot of the servers going AntiLead. There is quite a few people out there that prefer to lead then watch Gunz turn into another horribad FPS/TPS with even more horribad graphics.
    I've been playing now and then, amount of players is in decline, the amount is not increasing at all.

    My last statement(just like yours ); There is quite a few people out there that prefer to hit then watch gunz be a horribad fps/tps with even more horribad graphics. .

    Also to all the people that say leading requires more skill then aiming, please think. I'm gonna tell you guys this, no one on this server is good at leading, or perhaps they are good but still only hit very few shots. Most of the shots that are hit are hit because of forcing the enemy to go somewhere where its easy to hit him. Think corridors,corners. You know where your opponent is going to be and thats it. Aiming is to be perfected, and has much less to do with luck. = Higher skillcap.
    Last edited by Tomboii; 06-02-2011 at 03:43 PM.

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