Originally Posted by Jakanadin View Post
I wish the God-hating Atheist's could learn to be like the studied Atheist's. God-hating Atheist's became Atheist's because God didn't do something for them or something for them. Like really? You expect him to take time out of his day to do something for YOU when he has quadrillion's and possibly unheard of numbers of other living organism's he watches over, and you expect him to do one thing for YOU? Get the **** out of here. Actually STUDY religion's. Actually study every major and even a few minor religion's, and then come back and say you're an Atheist. I've studied a lot of religion's and came to find that Christianity fits my personality the best. Don't sit there and become an Atheist because God didn't do something right by you. STUDY IT. You might learn it fits you better than Atheism.

"It is better to believe in something that MIGHT be there than it is to believe in nothing." - Jared Underwood.
I'm Agnostic.