Based on my experience, he doesn't seem to lead me.
He aims me and I get direct hits when our ping is 200 as my recent report has projected.

I would like to quote what he said:
Direct shots is if somebody is aiming 100% at your body, but 1/3 and 1/4 body lead is perfect for 190-200 ping lead.
Seriously, this is false if you know real lead. Direct shots can only be experience in LAN/20-40 Ping especially at a perfect aim.
He says I get 100% direct shots when he "Aims" me 100%, this proves he ignores the value of Ping.
"You do not aim a 200 pinger, You lead it."
If he shots, I get the damage directly without having delay.

>> He said 1/3-1/4 body lead is perfect for 190-200? <<
That can't be true cause I've been leading for 3 yrs and I do it "1-1.5 body" lead for 200 pingers.

1/3-1/4 body lead is still aiming at you like aiming at your shoulder which is 1/3 of the body.

This proves he doesn't know what lead really is.