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  1. #1
    Legit's Avatar BloodLegion

    Join Date
    May 2009
    Name: TJ Needham

    Age:16 going on 17

    In-Game Name: ^8legit i am hoping to get a name change soon so i am more noticeable and not make people mix me up with other legits.

    Email: [email protected], everyone is welcome to adding me.

    Any past servers you have worked for: Revolution Gamers, Unrated Entertainment. and i have also made my own Test Servers.

    GunZ Experience:started playing Gunz after the Closed beta in KGunz. Been GM and Head GM's in Other Private Servers. I know every hack their is and i can help ban hackers.

    Why Should You Be a GM or Part of the Staff:Ive helped with the new .dll by finding bugs/helping with the /help and helping chose what features should be within it., the Anti hack by testing EVERY hack i could find against it, I've helped Balance the New Clients Zitem, and I've been dedicated to the server for A very long time.

    How long have you Played F-GunZ:I have been playing FGunz for almost 2 years now longer then most of the players in FGunz.

    Any Coding/Development on GunZ That you can do:i can edit all the .mrs stuff add items and do many edits to the items, i also know VB, HTML, and i can read pritty much all code. I enjoy Art work and Gfx alot and im hoping to become a GM for Blizzard someday.

    How Active Are You:Everyday i can play pritty much ALL day. If i am needed at a specific time i will pretty much guarantee my being there and if i can i will let you know before hand.

    Do you know any other Languages Besides English:if VB or Html counts then yes if not then no sorry. I know English extremely well and im going into Grade 12 English this coming school year. I will be learning German and Korean Very soon so i can be more of an asset to your server.

    Closing: I Respect all players even if they are my enemy, Ive tried to be apart of the server as much as possible and this is just a way for me to further my help to the server. i vote for the server every day and i try to be as active as possible. i will talk to everyone and play around, but i can be mature and know whens not the time to fool around. If i cannot become a GM i would like to still be apart of the server in any which way possible. When School comes around i do not have any classes for my last blocks so i will be home at lunch time. meaning i will be able to be on more then normal during school.
    Last edited by Legit; 07-16-2009 at 09:20 PM.

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  2. #2
    McSic's Avatar L e a d e r

    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    We've talked at MSN.
    Sorry but you're not the kind of person we're looking for.

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