Now that I have your attention.

Yes I have been reported for underclocking, now I'm just here to clear things up. Yes the spikes have been fixed, but oif you watch the replay you can clearly see that yes it is lag, and has no sign of underclocking. Yes other people may see me like that, it is quite upsetting that I get accused for such things but ohwell, we all make mistakes and backstab our friends because we lose, it's fine I can completely understand that.

Now then, this is a video that I made and I leave the player I vsed nameless to prove that I do not underclock and showing you how everything looks for me.

0 sign of underclocking, there is no underclocking going on here what so ever, given the fact that sometimes he takes 9 shots to die just proves it all the more.

Thank you, have a good day!