What's your point with that vid?
Does this gonna show me that im ucing?

not even close baby.

Originally Posted by browneyedgirls View Post

***** = euro-gnz with an u between g and nz for retards like you abdur

and now to answer your shit reply
nah you lost 6-4 actually seems ur brain isnt functioning atm you won him once cool why didnt u reply to him on his topic oh wait u didnt win him and i just read the lasts posts from the eugz topic u lost 2 times what a shame

enough talk i dont care anymore of you, proven to be ucer still ucer
ur not even good nor legit, i hope you stay on this way(to failure)
xD f4g
Rofl, LOL, you'r so fcking dumb.
But k i don't care your life stefan.