Originally Posted by Gianpaolo View Post
I the phrase "ignorance is bliss" reminds me of the creation story which I find completely preposterous. Without science surpassing what religion has taught us we would never dream of what we have today. But that's a whole other debate eh.

Creation story in the sense that we're better off not knowing and having everything planned for us rather than learning and executing important things in our lives ourselves.
this is true... i just have a fear that humanity is going to take it too far. human nature says we're more prone to harm each other than help each other. so what happens when our scientific culture surpasses our humanity? one's creation for the betterment or succession for humanity is also a hindrance against it i think. for instance we have cell phones and computers which prime objectives were to connect us but we end up being too attached to those technologies and they end up eating our true social nature as humans ei. talking face to face, processing emotions accurately and according to the situation, eating up our time, excessive sharing of conflicting ideas and so on. i just don't want us to be the people in Wall-E xD