Originally Posted by Courage View Post
Here's how i see it:

  • Gm apps get open'd
  • Everyone and their mother makes an app because they all think they should be hired as gm.
  • Three randoms get picked out of the billion people who think they should be gm.
  • Everyone who wasn't picked cries mad hard about it and tries to find every little wrong thing that the trial gms do.
  • A million threads about the trials get made about how bad they are, and how they should have been picked instead of them.
  • Randoms call other people randoms, when in fact the majority of you are randoms.
  • More pointless threads get made about how the admins picked the worst trial gms ever, and how they are slacking at their job for making such a r3tarded selection.
  • A few forum hero's rise up and start insulting the staff/spamming every hate thread with more useless hate.
  • Existing staff members tell them to stop and if they do not they will be temp banned.
  • The forum hero's think they are untouchable, so of course they disregard the warnings from the staff and continue with their nonsense.
  • The forum hero's get banned.
  • The friends of these forum hero's start spamming the chatbox and making threads about how their friends were unjustly banned, and how the staff is abusing their power.
  • The Staff basically says we can do w/e we want cuz it says we can in the ToS.
  • More pointless arguing happens between staff and members.
  • Everyone rages.
  • 20 threads get made about how the server is failing and that all of the "known" players are leaving because the staff sucks.
  • Everyone hates this miranda chick because rash has some sort of never ending vendetta against her, which leads to even more worthless threads being made.
  • The admins finally acknowledge the threads being made, and of course sides with their staffs decisions on closing threads/Banning people.

Here's a bonus bullet point for whoever read all this:
  • 99% of you cannot spot uc/oc/sb from replays

This is from a completely non biased standpoint, i am not in the inner circle of knowledge on this server. But this is indeed how it looks like from a regular members view.
//agree., but this complain threads is about the staff cuz most people think this is the reason why there's so much hate, but actually the players here are mostly 95% ego because they think they're best and stuff, so they think they deserve gm, and Dave picks 3 Gm's in who's in his opinion the best of all.. so the other start raging because they didnt succeed, normal people leave because this community is become fully shitty.

so your 1 of the less normal people here who doens't rage about staff and just play..