Originally Posted by KoreanAim View Post
Wtf you talking about lol, its like Zack, he did something wrong with the powers he had, and see how it ended lol, idgaf if they get demoted or not, but all he's asking is first, a sincere apologize (thing that wont happen until they are put against the wall), and seriously, they might be bitching around making a lot of threads, but arent they right? dont they have enough reasons lol?
In my opinion, this stuff must be handled as a real job. If you do something wrong in your job, your boss will warn you, and if you keep repeating the same sht, you will end up fired.
oh come on dude you know for fact that rash is being immature as **** trying to play on the sense of rules to get them to somehow abuse then directly report them. He's playing a bad game and he's gonna loose trust me.