the problem is either:
A) His connection to the internet in your household
B) his computer's performance.
C) Your location

Ping isn't always related to just distance...if you have a bad computer that can't necessarily handle the freakishly old graphics of Gunz, then your ping will escalate...and if his connection to the internet is slow, then the same occurrence will happen. Try to mess with your routers settings, maybe its prohibiting his bandwidth or internet access or speed or something ._. or maybe its just your internet in general.

What service provider do you have? and where do you live? These are important assets to this inquiry, because if your ping is generally 180-190 to other players, then it could be possible that it isn't the distance, but instead your internet's stability or capability.

Ps. This is just my theory based off of experiences I myself have had with different computers and suggestions and advice aren't 100% accurate, just theories if you'd say so please no hate if I come off ignorant. ^_^