Originally Posted by Pali View Post
Back in those days there was order, and not a line of corruption in the staff.

It's no longer how qualified you are, but who you know. Due to that, GM's lack experience in both gunz, and handling players issues. Which results in them doing half ass jobs to the users, and lots of unlegits roaming around in the server.

The server is slowly dying, and the staff literally don't give two ****s, in fact they give the opposite of that. They have shut down every thread calling out staff corruption and have not once attempted to talk to the users.. they simply don't care.

When the staff who are supposed to provide a clean environment for the users stop caring, then well.. the server is kind of doomed.

Unlegits are roaming in the server.
Legits are getting banned, which is ruining most of the competition.

Soon the server will be filled with 2010 gen fail trolls playing AnD all day.
I used to host a server several times, with over 100 players, which is pretty much for a small hosted server, You obviously don't know how much bullshit is getting on your nerves as an owner.

As an owner you simply get the feeling, to don't give a **** and do the job that has to be done.
ignore stupidity.

you are just one of those.
those that don't know a shit of being staff nor being an owner of a big server.