Originally Posted by CamelBoyBashy View Post
"Yeah..uhhh....the only part that makes sense is the first. I bought the K version because it's only like $20-30 more than the non-K (it was only a $20-$30 difference so I didn't really care), and in case I ever do want to OC, I have the option.

The second part, first off I know 7970s are a bit faster in GAMING. And I mean strictly gaming (and bitcoin mining). Read the second sentence. I got it because my monitor is a $550 NVIDIA 3D Vision capable monitor. Emphasis on NVIDIA. AMD doesn't do 3D. Well, they do, but it isn't anywhere NEAR as developed as NVIDIAs. I don't even know of any AMD 3D monitor.

As for the samsung 840 part, you're only correct about the write speed. It has the same read speed. Write speed only matters for stuff like installing games/moving files and let's be honest, who really cares about that? It loads stuff at the same speed.
For the RAM, you answered yourself."

To tell you the truth, I don't know what the **** is even going on. And what's Bunnychaser posted all I have to say is, GOD FKN DAMN! WOOOOOOOOW.

And to Pickachuu: "I don't really need a surround sound seeing as though I wouldn't have any use for it, I have my headset instead".
yea i saw that.. i know most people prefere headsets over the real deal. i like to watch movies with friends at home. its really cool when you watch something like lord of the rings with serround sound + subwoofer. BASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS