I use the Thermaltake eSports Black Element Cyclone.

Look it up on amazon. It's about $70.

I can vouch that this mouse is capable of very fast TBFing (with right click as block of course) > 240 slashes per minute (Jetman claims that can DnGx6). It can latedash with the mouse wheel, but I will say the wheel is pretty large and tough to click sometimes. It has a cord, but I like that. I never have to buy batteries. Also, the cord is high quality. Doesn't wrinkle, and is like 6 feet long (~1.5 meters). It's been my best mouse so far, and I highly recommend it over a cheap microsoft mouse (which was probably my 2nd best mouse ever). sensitivity can be set way down or way up... up to a point that there's no way you could aim with it, down to a point that even my 1/10 aim can hit people

I can also say from my friend's experiences that the Rat is a very good mouse.