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  1. #211
    Farmer Bashy's Avatar FGunZ E.L.I.T.E Member

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    Jun 2009
    Originally Posted by slugheady View Post
    Okay, so bashy already gave me some anime to chew on a while back, but I've gone trough most of it.

    So far I've watched the following:

    Avatar - the last airbender
    Avatar - the legend of korra
    Ao no exorcist
    Sword art online
    Full metal brotherhood (almost done)
    Death note (watching)
    Mirai nikki

    I like the supernatural kind of anime, from the list above I enjoyed Bleach/avatar the most. Mainly because the fighting is better, for example; the fighting in brotherhood is kind of pussy, I like it a bit gore and the killing as well, in these ed doesn't even kill (not yet at least). I also like the kind where the main character learns his power as the series go on, that they really get stronger. In bleach that evolves pretty good, its getting a little odd in the later part of the series.

    As for humor, I really get irritated if there is a lot of humor in the series, full metal had a lot of those in the beginning.

    Give me some tips for good animes, that contain supernatural, preferably sword fighting.

    And I agree, if you want some gruesome shit to watch, watch Hellsing Ultimate. That shit was epic as ****!
    Last edited by Farmer Bashy; 06-17-2013 at 05:25 AM.

  2. #212
    Jawarisin's Avatar doG

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    Jun 2009
    Hey there!

    I've missed on a little bit. I was away for a while, but now I'm back. Since I missed on lots of stuff, I will be putting up animes I liked // would suggest to peoples, followed with short descriptions or whatever i feel like putting. That was everybody can find their own little something.

    Akagi -
    Anime about Mahjong, Pretty awesome. Do not get scared by the art style, you will actually end up liking it.

    Kaichi -
    Same Author as Akagi, it doesn't require watching any video on (in akagi's instance, mahjong) a particular subject. Easily one of the best you can find around there. Revolves around gambling and hard life. Both seasons are must-watch in my opinion. The art style looks somewhat the same, maybe with a few improvements.

    Hikaru no Go -
    This one's about the game called "Go" can't be simplier to understand, but also one of the most complex games of all time. Really really good, it actually even started a Go vibe at some point. Even if you don't think you'd like it, give it a try. The first episode might look meh or good, depending on what you're looking for. But after 2-3 episodes you should really get hooked. It goes on for years, not keeping you stranded in a short slice of time. In my must-try list.

    Eyeshield 21 -
    I don't even know how to got to watch that anime honestly... I do not particularly like watching football (although I enjoy playing it) I never even watched a game to be honest. But somehow i got to watch that anime a few years ago. over 200 episodes, so I guess it had something to keep me hooked. It's adding somewhat of a "Supernatural" feel to football.

    No.6 -
    A futuristic one, not with flying cars and such, but in a near-post apocalyptic (only a few select cities are remaining). Really great story, interesting till the end.

    Kurozuka -
    Sword, immortality fighting and deep topics all in one. The art style is really particular. Not everybody's fitted for this one, but definetly worth a try.

    K -
    Not to be confused with "K On" or any variation, it's about fighting and supernatural powers. Pretty entertaining.

    Jyu Oh Sei -
    My personnal favorite anime. Finnaly an anime where main character die... Oh yeah, no special right to live. They come they go, and no resurrection either. Loved the ending. It's short though.

    Arakawa Under the Bridge -
    Pretty nice, it's interesting and very light-hearted. Good when you want to relax or feel good. It's not stressful or... Just very very light but enjoyable.

    Ghost in the Shell -
    Must see, you're missing on something otherwise, wouldn't want to ruin it.

    Serial experiment Lain -
    Futuristic classic, it revolves around a girl who discover gets connected to the "Wired" some kind of internet per say. Lots of intrigue, talks with pictures a lot. One of the only animes I know with an original introduction song in english.

    Desert Punk -
    Fighting anime with humor in between

    Eden of the East -
    Pretty awesome anime, some thinking and... a particular genrea without being somewhat of an outcast of any kind.

    Kenichi, History's strongest disciple -
    Fighting anime, as simple as that.

    Welcome to the NHK -
    Pure awesomeness slice of life kind of thing. Humor drama and everything you'd expect. Really fun. Puru pururin puru puru purururin....

    Tv shows:

    The Big Bang Theory -
    So good, so much amazingness, you can read on it if you want, just type it in google and you will see all the critics talking about it's genius. It really is brilliant.

    This is Jawarisin

    Thanks Superwaffle for that

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  4. #213
    Farmer Bashy's Avatar FGunZ E.L.I.T.E Member

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    Jun 2009
    Originally Posted by Jawarisin View Post
    Hey there!

    I've missed on a little bit. I was away for a while, but now I'm back. Since I missed on lots of stuff, I will be putting up animes I liked // would suggest to peoples, followed with short descriptions or whatever i feel like putting. That was everybody can find their own little something.

    Akagi -
    Anime about Mahjong, Pretty awesome. Do not get scared by the art style, you will actually end up liking it.

    Kaichi -
    Same Author as Akagi, it doesn't require watching any video on (in akagi's instance, mahjong) a particular subject. Easily one of the best you can find around there. Revolves around gambling and hard life. Both seasons are must-watch in my opinion. The art style looks somewhat the same, maybe with a few improvements.

    Hikaru no Go -
    This one's about the game called "Go" can't be simplier to understand, but also one of the most complex games of all time. Really really good, it actually even started a Go vibe at some point. Even if you don't think you'd like it, give it a try. The first episode might look meh or good, depending on what you're looking for. But after 2-3 episodes you should really get hooked. It goes on for years, not keeping you stranded in a short slice of time. In my must-try list.

    Eyeshield 21 -
    I don't even know how to got to watch that anime honestly... I do not particularly like watching football (although I enjoy playing it) I never even watched a game to be honest. But somehow i got to watch that anime a few years ago. over 200 episodes, so I guess it had something to keep me hooked. It's adding somewhat of a "Supernatural" feel to football.

    No.6 -
    A futuristic one, not with flying cars and such, but in a near-post apocalyptic (only a few select cities are remaining). Really great story, interesting till the end.

    Kurozuka -
    Sword, immortality fighting and deep topics all in one. The art style is really particular. Not everybody's fitted for this one, but definetly worth a try.

    K -
    Not to be confused with "K On" or any variation, it's about fighting and supernatural powers. Pretty entertaining.

    Jyu Oh Sei -
    My personnal favorite anime. Finnaly an anime where main character die... Oh yeah, no special right to live. They come they go, and no resurrection either. Loved the ending. It's short though.

    Arakawa Under the Bridge -
    Pretty nice, it's interesting and very light-hearted. Good when you want to relax or feel good. It's not stressful or... Just very very light but enjoyable.

    Ghost in the Shell -
    Must see, you're missing on something otherwise, wouldn't want to ruin it.

    Serial experiment Lain -
    Futuristic classic, it revolves around a girl who discover gets connected to the "Wired" some kind of internet per say. Lots of intrigue, talks with pictures a lot. One of the only animes I know with an original introduction song in english.

    Desert Punk -
    Fighting anime with humor in between

    Eden of the East -
    Pretty awesome anime, some thinking and... a particular genrea without being somewhat of an outcast of any kind.

    Kenichi, History's strongest disciple -
    Fighting anime, as simple as that.

    Welcome to the NHK -
    Pure awesomeness slice of life kind of thing. Humor drama and everything you'd expect. Really fun. Puru pururin puru puru purururin....

    Tv shows:

    The Big Bang Theory -
    So good, so much amazingness, you can read on it if you want, just type it in google and you will see all the critics talking about it's genius. It really is brilliant.

    And as usual, most of the anime you recommend are old as fk.

    Why not try watching some modern day anime? Then recommending the good ones to me.

  5. #214
    ZAIN's Avatar ʎlǝuol os ɯ,I

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    @bashy, what kind of anime do you like?

  6. #215
    Farmer Bashy's Avatar FGunZ E.L.I.T.E Member

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    Originally Posted by Zain View Post
    @bashy, what kind of anime do you like?
    Action, Super Power, Supernatural, Adventure, things like that.

  7. #216
    Jawarisin's Avatar doG

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    Originally Posted by Bashy View Post
    And as usual, most of the anime you recommend are old as fk.

    Why not try watching some modern day anime? Then recommending the good ones to me.
    Originally Posted by Jawarisin View Post
    I did in fact discover an anime on Wucas site, I had never heard of "Bartender" before.

    Bashy's anime restriction:

    -Action only
    -Nothing passed 2014

    There is just so many animes that have been created in the past month... I'll be blunt but your obsession with being 2012+ really cut you off a lot. And sadly, there is a limited amount of how many animes were made from 2012 up to today.
    I could blurt out all the action ones that are quite recent, but I am sure you already know every single of them. There isn't millions.

    To give you an idea, you're someone who's asking to experience the whole world without leaving his town. Take a step out, and look around, although there's some stuff you might not like, you will definetly find some stuff to your likings, and probably more than you thought.

    This is Jawarisin

    Thanks Superwaffle for that

  8. #217

    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    Originally Posted by Bashy View Post
    And as usual, most of the anime you recommend are old as fk.

    Why not try watching some modern day anime? Then recommending the good ones to me.
    Oldskool animes are awesome.

    Originally Posted by Bashy View Post
    Well I gave my opinion and you gave yours, what's left is, now we know that we cannot come to an understanding about it.

    And GTO was made in 1999-2000, we are now in 2013, so it's safe to say it was made more than a decade ago. But it was still very good, and even with the old art style and the old voice acting and response time it was still very appealing, I gave it a 9/10. And I gave Yu Yu Hakusho a 10/10. When I grade anime I keep in mind of the time they were made btw, because tbh, if I was to grade Yu Yu Hakusho, Rurouni Kenshin and GTO grades that were lower because of now-a-days anime, it would be totally unfair seeing as how they were made a long time ago and they were used as the stepping stones for anime to reach where they are atm.

    Death Note ****ed up Light's character on the end. He was supposed to be a calm guy that plans things forward carefully. Near and Mello aren't capable of catching him, L should've won that shit.
    Last edited by Prince Lenny; 06-26-2013 at 06:46 AM.

  9. #218
    KindNature's Avatar King of Nature :D

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    Toriko! still on-going


  10. #219
    Farmer Bashy's Avatar FGunZ E.L.I.T.E Member

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    Originally Posted by Jawarisin View Post
    There is just so many animes that have been created in the past month... I'll be blunt but your obsession with being 2012+ really cut you off a lot. And sadly, there is a limited amount of how many animes were made from 2012 up to today.
    I could blurt out all the action ones that are quite recent, but I am sure you already know every single of them. There isn't millions.

    To give you an idea, you're someone who's asking to experience the whole world without leaving his town. Take a step out, and look around, although there's some stuff you might not like, you will definetly find some stuff to your likings, and probably more than you thought.

    Lol if you take a look at my MAL you'll see that I watch old anime. In fact I just finished watching a good old anime named Akagi about a week ago. (Gave it a 7/10)

    Anyways, it's either you mix up the genres I want or you mix up the dateline I asked for.

    The anime genres I want to watch are Action, Super Power, Supernatural, Adventure, things like that. The timeline I want it to be within is from 2007 upwards. Nowhere have I ever stated that I want to watch anime 2012+. That is your misconception, in fact I clearly stated 2007+ MANY different times in THIS thread.

    Also the reason why I stated 2007+ so many times is because I don't like the old anime you recommend. For instance, there was one where a guy made something from a tree or some shit, I don't remember the name of it. And that anime is VERY old. You like to watch old as **** anime then recommend them, I don't like that. I think you should be the one to step out of your town and try the more recent ones. If it was ANYONE else recommending animes for me then I would give them a different timeline, like 2005+, but you like to look for the OLD OLD OLD ones to recommend, thats why I keep stating 2007+.

  11. #220

    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    is Desert Punk worth watching? i saw the description and that really interests me
    im not a big anime fan and only watched like 3 animes so far

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