There is in fact no actual best GunZ player. Mark_Code is the current number one player, but if you are talking about skill as in PvP or Kstyle, there's a huge list to choose from.
These player names are not in any order.
Shotgun- known for having the best aim in gunz.
Yong - Great teamwork and Clan leader
VenoM - Consistent damage and Ap chipper.
Amazon- Great Slash Pb and Movement
Mishots - Great TeamWork and Sword
TrickZ - Great Survival and Sword
Shot - Great Teamwork, Survival, and Consistent aim
Snuwfer Aubi- "Not quiet sure, many say he is unlegit" Hits Hard.
Omega - Great TeamWork, survival, and lead and aim. "back in his prime"
Tiger - Great Lead, Movement, Speed "back in his prime"
Transvestor - Great Lead, Movement, and Speed "back in prime"
RuVe - Great Reaction Time and Aim
Toed - Great Rs Speed and Consistent Aim
Gosu- Great Lead and Movement "back in his prime"
RicePower - Great Speed and Aim
Nico Robin - Great TeamWork, Sword, and Consistant Aim
Pheerful - Great TeamWork and Aim
Hectic - Great Aim and Survival
alltoblame - Great Movement, Speed, and Aim "back in prime"
Flamekiller - Great Lead, TeamWork and Clan Leader
tetsou - Great Lead and Movement
natsumi - Great TeamWork and Lead
Energy - Great Aim, lead, and movement
Kano - Great Aim and Lead
Mr-Eko - Great Consistent Aim and TeamWork
SanctuaryY - Survival
Etcetera - Aim
Beyond Death - Great Lead, Sword, and Clan Leader
Detain - Great Aim and Movement
Riokeshi - Survival
CHEPOLINA - Great Aim and Lead
Scarpiello- Great Speed and Aim

If you need something just ask me ^.^