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  1. #1

    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    AAaight, i'm about done with this ****ing Ladygaga kid. he comes in saying im a hacker and he leaves and joins back and i say ladygaygay... and he continues to call me a hacker so i continue to be a ****... and i said "gay boy" down to xgunxx u or what ever his name was... i don't know what you insist on getting banned and desiiboii told you don't fkin provoke people.. and i don't take shit from any one yo u start it i finish it.. don't ****ing come on forums bitching away because you're taking screen shots of only the bad things i say and nothing of what you say.. i'm getting real sick and ****ing tired of your bull shit Ladygaga if this doesn't stop i will start to take pics of everything that you do to provoke people to get them mad at you.. report you and hopefully their will be an effect please.. some one do something about this ****ing kid. And the screen shots that you have of me.. i've been in second room for hours and you join in..and the 3rd image was from 3 days ago when you called me a NB standing for nob and i kileld u like at least 8 times and you kept repeatingly saying it then i got fed up with your shit.. don't come on here trying to get me banned ok? thanks and leave me the **** alone please!.. AND ON TOP OF THAT DESIIBOII TOLD YOU TO STOP PROVOKING PEOPLE AND YOU DID IT AGAIN, READ THAT LAST URL, ABOUT WHAT DESIIBOII SAID AND YOU'll UNDERSTAND... oh and you said "i didn't start the other fight" aaight kid.. i have 6-8 people that were in the lobby and game seeing you get us mad and you take screenies of only what we said not what you said. it's quite pathetic how you refer to some other post that even desiiboii knew u were trying to get us in trouble is quite pathetic... it's sad how you CONTINUE to say this bull shit about me please stop im getting sick of it
    Last edited by Descendent; 08-11-2013 at 02:40 AM. Reason: Saw waht his pics were

  2. #2
    Divine's Avatar Ex Head Game Moderator

    Join Date
    May 2012
    I've not muted you or anything on his report.

    But here's the deal from now or I'll mute both of you.

    YOU both ignore each other using /ignore command, if you say such things like ladygaygay again I'll mute you.

    So since you both know the deal now, I don't want any reports about neither of you.

    "What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us."

    "The brave may not live forever, but the cautious do not live at all."

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