Originally Posted by Kiltro View Post
Time to get back to the GunZ scene!

I'm Kiltro, I've played for a while with long breaks in-between for various reasons, but some of you probably know me as Da Pooh from other pservers (Winney I know you're here... I saw your name!)

I've been playing pretty much since iGunZ beta - two of my "long breaks" were from the locust plagues, if that dates when I played to anyone.

I've been playing on here for a bit now and this place seems like a pretty legit GunZ server! Which is good! Since every other pserver I've been on has either closed down, or gone through some pretty stupid shit that I got tired with after a while. Or both. Gotta get back into the game though, shake off the rust, and get my aim better cuz Snipers wreck shit.

Anywho, nice ta meet y'all
Wow I remember you from a server. You might remember me under the name ^1Tweetie
and welcome hue.