Doing the math; Donor meds are right in the middle, but the difference between the middle and the highest is pretty insane, considering bounty shop vs. donors.

With just one set (HP or AP) only...

Level 50 Pills: 15 x 6 = 90
Donor Meds (200 coins): 20 x 6 = 120
Level 50 Vials: 6x6(36) x 5 = 180

In numbers, the pills are okay. They are still roughly just as good (the time you "consume" them is just slightly better than if you were to deploy meds with their current delays). It's a matter of pills can be used in a fight more easily as with vials.

If anything, I think the vials need to go down a clip per round/spawn and make it only heal 5 per second, making it heal 120 total and buff donor meds up by a clip so they get 140/140.

In turn this would make it...

Level 50 Pills: 15 x 6 = 90
Level 50 Vials: 5x6(30) x 4 = 120
Donor Meds (200 coins): 20 x 7 = 140

Now, this is just based on just simple balancing. I don't know how TDM/CW metas work (nor probably will I ever). Maybe if I get a small lecture on how things work, maybe I can understand, but as far as I can see, I see no problem.

PS. This excludes donor vials/pills, which are exceedingly OP and I would vote to get rid of them immediately if the chance was given.