Originally Posted by K80L80 View Post
So Linear made a text based gunz game? *confused* Linux has a terminal, its like command prompt. are you saying thats how he gets it running?

Maybe that is the problem, Its not loading the client protection, therefore, not loading. What is it called? is it supposed to be in the files somewhere? Maybe I could install that separatly into wine?

You could give me a custom build.. I wouldn't mind

Unfortunately, like I said, I cannot get windows on this hard drive. But I did just have an idea.

Funny, my middle name starts with an L...
I was getting offtopic with what Linear did, and I'm cold so my vocabulary was lackluster. He made a gunz emulator for linux to run in the terminal.
Unfortunately you are out of luck I guess for now, the client protection will stop emulators and things of that nature (WINE) and Virtual Machines (as EpicKLF hinted at earlier) and thus is most likely the reason.

I don't want to get too offtopic and this is pretty much solved but hm who knows I may know you.