I'm confused, Aphrodisiac's net got problem and keep ae me and my mate, but we got blamed for it? Rofl. The above thread says that we went "afk" after 3v3ing their clan, but the truth is we went 2s All of the clan we fought have no ae issues. The only ae issue happen when we fought Aphrodisiac, yes ONLY him, we didn't even ae his mate. So how is this considered forced ae? At first I fought them with my mate Seth (which is shown in the image) then I changed mate to Ash(which got reported), BOTH of them also ae to Aphrodisiac ONLY. So, its obvious his net is having the problem, but why are we the ones getting blamed for it? Furhermore, I don't know why there is a need to remove a loss from their score since me and Ash drawed that cw. Please enlighten me.