IGN of reported player(s): Junami, Deletename, ^8Sunset, ^FK^Gazuuh (possibly), Joeby (possibly), PowerSword, Peform.

Reason: Flaming. Junami told me to 'stfu' 3 times, a ******, and a dumbass. (Sorry for the language xD.) Deletename flamed me, talking about my mother. ._. ^8Sunset, spamming and graphic vulgarity. I dunno if it's reportable but ^FK^Gazuuh, and Joeby attempting to buy/sell account(s). PowerSword flaming me in a tdm. Much desperation, such wow. Perform, he's been flaming a lot of people lately, and is also a very bad sport. xD '-'
Also some other people who've been flaming me. jajaja.

Proof/Evidence: K wait.
K dun.
Gracias por escuchar.