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  1. #91
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    Originally Posted by Swastika View Post
    You went to such feat to make me look bad? Look at all this effort, you tried trolling me but you trolled yourself while simultaneously unveiling to me that your fake and flaw. I didn't say shit to you, Yin. You're a follower. Nothing you posted is true. You're deluded. Miyamoto Musashi was a weak ****. He sucked his moms' ****. And he was a acolyte as well. Your wack as ****, bro. Still fangirling and galloping on them ****s. Keep trying to mouth your way to the top sucking **** and talking shit. Youre gayyy. And you wear glasses. I saw you post that screenshot from a phone. I saw the reflection of your face in the screen. Your ugly. And you don't box, you're weak. Skinny fragile little ****. You wear goggles when you box? You probably look like a ***. And yo, that photo is not me, haha. I see through you too, youre a transparent **** and I see through your translucent approaches along with your shoddy ping and that pellucid bp you throw. And to make you more irrelevant than thus so far. Your European ping and your mouthy inaccurate analyses. Its exhausting to read your replies. This is why nobody associates themselves with you.
    You're weird. You beg me for those analyses and so do many people. Also, what approaches? I hold W and walk you, because you can't handle it at all which was you being the exact same way you were when I was mid tier and walked you 16-8. Same score, same result. The only thing that changed is that instead of being annoying and submissive little cody you took it up your nostrils that you understand everything so much better and that every top tier is flawed to asskissing. Speaking of ass-kissing, wasn't that EXACTLY what you did after getting walked? Biprolar. The reason you stopped improving ever since Aeria closed, was because you became an egotistical downie which is what I abused when I acted like Cerb3rus.

    Btw: I know you're kinda lying about studying physics, because you don't even know basic stats. You probably downloaded oxford's little physics dictionary app and spam it in game to show how much more intelligent you are than these feeble-minded high and mid tiers that you can oh so easily trump on. Terribly uneducated ignoramus of a gladiator thinks they can trump on cody's 600 bucks worth of triangle BF education? I THINK NOT! CODY T'S GLADIATOR BODY WORKOUT! ORDER NOW! ONLY 599.99$.

    I think Cody's mentality consists of two puzzles:
    1. Tom/Ekelon mindset: Basically, if someone quits playing for a short while you think you're above them. Basically, you ass-kiss that player until he quits and once he quits, you start hating their guts and talking badly about them in game. They come back and trump on you and you're a nice kid again.
    2. Herbalife mindset: Basically, believes there's a magic pill that only he knows about in game and thinks that wow I know this and that theory/mechanic that you don't even though it's a complete sack of lies, it's still something I know that you don't. PS: It costed me 30 paybycash coupons.

    The Codyrean theorem. X^2 + Y^2 equals cody kisses your ass every time you beat him

  2. #92
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    Gnan ima make sure it's 20-0 for you
    Last edited by LuoHan; 04-11-2014 at 07:29 PM.

  3. #93
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    Originally Posted by LuoHan View Post

    Gnan ima make sure it's 20-0 for you
    Lmfao? Talking shit now LuoHan? You aren't even a tier yet lmfao. So you beat presley and tom and some Beastd dude all which I've never heard of, I bet they're much better than you roflmfao all you have is your shit jetman82 attempt. As for YinStyle... bro just don't you are a joke among the entire gladiator community and all you have is words. Also whoever Gnan is, who the hell cares you can beat him 20-0? It's a dead game where nobody plays anymore. Nobody has improved since I quit, now I see a topic like this and I just have to comment before I trash this entire tourny, because, seriously I'm just tired of BS glads who think they've improved since 2013's tourny. Gladiator is so stupid it's not even funny, that said I will still trash the entire tourny once again. Adios~

  4. #94
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    Originally Posted by usario View Post
    Lmfao? Talking shit now LuoHan? You aren't even a tier yet lmfao. So you beat presley and tom and some Beastd dude all which I've never heard of, I bet they're much better than you roflmfao all you have is your shit jetman82 attempt. As for YinStyle... bro just don't you are a joke among the entire gladiator community and all you have is words. Also whoever Gnan is, who the hell cares you can beat him 20-0? It's a dead game where nobody plays anymore. Nobody has improved since I quit, now I see a topic like this and I just have to comment before I trash this entire tourny, because, seriously I'm just tired of BS glads who think they've improved since 2013's tourny. Gladiator is so stupid it's not even funny, that said I will still trash the entire tourny once again. Adios~
    "o you beat presley and tom and some Beastd dude all which I've never heard of, I bet they're much better than you roflmfao "
    What? Failing to understand logic.

    "It's a dead game where nobody plays anymore. Nobody has improved since I quit"
    You haven't quit because you're so upset that no ones given you any attention and you've never been heard of Lul. Also the fact you came here just to type up a cutesy little response means you "care"about a dead game huehue.

    "seriously I'm just tired of BS glads who think they've improved since 2013's tourny."
    You're random lol. You spew repulsive statements like any mediocre, tier 6-7 glad trying to be heard. State your name before you state your claim "usario" hahah.

    "Gladiator is so stupid it's not even funny, that said I will still trash the entire tourny once again."
    WAT...WAT?!?!?!....lul dat irony doe

  5. #95
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    Originally Posted by usario View Post
    U r j0k3. Get good. None be gud. #gladiatormorality. Not even tryin'. #postcount

    It's kinda getting boring to tell me I'm a joke even after I pretty much topped 97% of EU and most of NA. Most people do that, most people can't beat me. It's all just opinion, and the fact of the matter is that I have more wins on the majority of people that called me a joke than they've beaten me.

    So, instead I drew a portrait of Sonji.

    PS: LOL tinypic knew what's up:

  6. #96

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    I don't have to succumb and verify to you with what I'm passionate about and how much depth I interpret convoluted, perplex shit. But you'll grow and flourish to elucidate things the way I do. And you'll be able to comprehend how I flow amidst fabrics within the frames of this game. And the time it will take for you to abolish your incorrect thoughts and begin having fixed subconscious thoughts. I recommend the book by Daniel Dennett, called "Intuition pumps and other tools for thinking". Your mom eats my unforgivable meaty pasta. I have multiple algorithms for situations engirdled in number(s) and symbolism based on players position, range, timing and reactions(depending on player). Being situational-based while trying to manipulate openings along with having efficient jukes compelling the opponent into traps. And yes, I incorporate boxing into pressuring openings. You desensitize me from your barbed, erroneous observations. Because you cry so ****ing much.
    Last edited by Swastika; 04-12-2014 at 02:24 AM.

  7. #97
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    Originally Posted by Swastika View Post
    I don't have to succumb and verify to you with what I'm passionate about and how much depth I interpret convoluted, perplex shit. But you'll grow and flourish to elucidate things the way I do. And you'll be able to comprehend how I flow amidst fabrics within the frames of this game. And the time it will take for you to abolish your incorrect thoughts and begin having fixed subconscious thoughts. I recommend the book by Daniel Dennett, called "Intuition pumps and other tools for thinking". Your mom eats my unforgivable meaty pasta. I have multiple algorithms for situations engirdled in number(s) and symbolism based on players position, range, timing and reactions(depending on player). Being situational-based while trying to manipulate openings along with having efficient jukes compelling the opponent into traps. And yes, I incorporate boxing into pressuring openings. You desensitize me from your barbed, erroneous observations. Because you cry so ****ing much.
    Holy sh*t this guy owns

  8. #98
    Ollypayy's Avatar LateDash Kiiiiiiiiinggggg

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    I came here for walls of text

    left satisfied

  9. #99
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    Originally Posted by Swastika View Post
    And the time it will take for you to abolish your incorrect thoughts and begin having fixed subconscious thoughts. I recommend the book by Daniel Dennett, called "Intuition pumps and other tools for thinking". I have multiple algorithms for situations engirdled in number(s) and symbolism based on players position, range, timing and reactions(depending on player). Being situational-based while trying to manipulate openings along with having efficient jukes compelling the opponent into traps. And yes, I incorporate boxing into pressuring openings.
    ^I cut out the useless bollocks so I can proceed to crush you.

    Ok, let me crush you a bit.

    And the time it will take for you to abolish your incorrect thoughts and begin having fixed subconscious thoughts.
    *You show a lack of understanding behind the concept of consciousness. You can't have fixed subconscious thoughts, because fixed thoughts are conscious. If you understood Freud's model of the consciousness, then you'd know that you can completely ignore your subconsciousness so as to allow voluntary movements and thinking to occur. Learning things by reflex is okay and all, but you'll just rely on being predictable. Your intents are always predictable btw, your 'efficient jukes' are obvious as hell, even Tom is less obvious when he does that little W and S dash juke. What you basically do is you use the typical Lily juke she teaches all low tiers before engaging in a game of 'ninja'. She basically teaches them to go from position A to B until the opponent faces them with their camera, thus leaving their back wide open. When that doesn't work, you'll go for a predictable JMrandom/Drift dbf, which if you see I'm not turning with you so you can angle me, you'll start spamming butterfly to angle me.

    I recommend the book by Daniel Dennett, called "Intuition pumps and other tools for thinking".
    I read that book Daniel Dennett wrote after you recommended it, after finishing it very fast I could tell you that he's the new Robert Greene. (It's nowhere near different from Robert Greene's 48 power laws which are all stupid and misinterpreted quotes, while it has the complexity of Brandon Royal's little blue book of reasoning. Maybe you should read that little blue book instead, so you don't get lost in useless text. )He uses tons of philosophical arguing and metaphors, leaving thus tons of scientific explanation in the open space. Just because there's a metaphor about mathematicians and physicists doesn't mean it's true, or that it has a point to make about his 'intuition pumps'. Occam's razor doesn't apply in probability or science. You typically take scientific subjects and hurl a load of fallacies at them without any prior knowledge about them except what wikipedia and google dictionary tells you.

    Solution: Stop reading company innovations 101 for fresh ideas and mind maps and instead go find reality.

    Thus, I recommend you buy and read 'Bad science' by Ben Goldacre, a doctor and physician who has over his years of scientific involvement seen crap like the one you wrote just now and decided to have a crack at the mainstream delusion.

    So, why do I apply probability and scientific reasoning to gladiator unlike your philosophical pioneering bollocks?

    It's time efficient, it's concrete and it's easy to improve or fix. It's realistic. It's based on something unlike your 100 tools for thinking of which you'll never even make use of. I systemized all the variables of close/mid range gladiator using game theory and it was more than enough. According to game theory, I also found out what AfterBurned meant when he said pedal is annoying and doesn't rely upon skill. I'll try and put it in baby sketching for you though, because I don't know what you can understand at this moment lol.

    Here you go: Maybe you'll understand why your combo's aka compelling traps don't work and why you didn't improve over last time. You relied too much on something with no skill improvement payoff.

    NOTE: I forgot to add lol, the 3 x 4 varialbes thing. The 3 are the angles and the 4 are the direction keys so you can pedal with any key pretty much huehue.

    Because, I'm already doing coursework on sciences like psychology. Luo himself is also enrolled in a university and you can see how sarcastic he can get over this, because you really don't understand how to evaluate science. You took a book off of a shelf in your typical library and thought wowe, I discovered something nobody else did on GunZ, if I apply that I'll be the true elite master now. You come back with all these pseudosciences and tools you found in a 512-page book, and you still lost to someone doing the exact same thing he did before with the exact same score.

    I have finished tons of courses on game theory, classical(not scientific or modern) psychology and on probability. What you call algorithms, judging by the patterns you showed while fighting me, is basically decision trees that everyone learns in high school. That's called baby probability. Going from situation 1 to 2 and defining decisions isn't something revolutionary. Deviok does that as a joke when his opponents are predictable. He plans out his every move and then feels like a pro sherlock holmes cuz he pwned a predictable pleb. Naming numbers and defining vectors of situations based on 2D positioning, slashing range, timing and reactions(this is kinda stupid, because timing is reaction-based so that's one of the points I'd call a flaw in the pile of crap you wrote) and not once had you named predicting even after I reasoned why it's the main thing you should work on. You're just doing what D'amato did to train and prepare Tyson by naming all the punches with numbers and this is like baby theory, it's nowhere near advanced or complicated. It was so that Tyson wouldn't emphasize so much focus on the definition of punches, but rather have a snappy 1-2-2 and be done with his opponents. Kevin Rooney used it with Tyson when Tyson beat Micheal Spinks.

    All you're doing and have ever done is try to copy things outside of GunZ that people have done before you did and claim originality about it. Before everyone quits again and FGunZ loses the 156 daily gladiators, you'll probably stoop to becoming FGunZ's very own Scuba because of your dumb arrogance.

    Being situational-based while trying to manipulate openings along with having efficient jukes compelling the opponent into traps.
    Leaving the best for last, do you understand what being situational-based, while trying to manipulate openings with efficient jukes compelling your opponent into traps means? I think you got lost in text and just started spamming tons of things you believe apply to GunZ.

    Situational-based: Do you mean without presumption, going in, goin' fresh? Yeah, I'll assume that. That's folk literature. Everyone knows that. You keep certain variables in your head, but remove certain unpredictable ones to keep them fresh. Yeah, everyone does that and it's called PATTERN RECOGNITION. You didn't pioneer something new. Everyone knows that, everyone does that.

    Trying to manipulate openings: I'll assume you mean getting your opponent to cough out openings. You don't really have much experience or knowledge at doing so, so you end up spamming juking movements even after they fail. You've 0 understanding of metafighting and how it works. I still insist you drop all this bullshit and just observe and predict. That doesn't mean changing anything, it means dropping out all that feel-good folk science about subconsciousness and being situational until you have a clearer understanding of what works and what doesn't, because your judgment has been filled with air and Sumai.

    Efficient jukes: What? There's no such thing. You use movement 1, thus predicting reaction 1, thus acting out on reaction 1 with any movement that would work for it. It's either a successful juke or a failed juke. Efficient jukes is like saying cold fire. Efficiency and misdirection have 0 correlation. Your opponent falls for it or they don't.

    Compelling your opponent into traps: I don't think you understand how comboing works; let alone pressure. You need to start from scratch, because you have too much useless bull filled in that you don't even use. Compelling someone into a combo? WTF? This isn't pick-up, it's gladiator. You're not seducing someone into your lair of evil. Get a grip. It's all been defined before, go look for cerb3rus' guide for noobs like you and redefine offense, defense and neutral in your head.

    tl;dr: I already offered to teach you everything from scratch before, because you sound as if someone made a mistake teaching you. I felt sorry for you having to see you struggle between the community and attaining knowledge, because within my 1 year of GunZ I went through the same thing you're still going through after 2 and a half years. What I did to turn it around though wasn't forum heroing and reading dumb company innovations 101 from amazon. I went out to seek reality. I mean god f*cking damn it this isn't Herbalife, it's strategy. You're not going to trick your opponent into buying useless sh1t by spamming quotes and philosophical bollocks. It worked in 1970 when science hadn't reached a peak yet, but we live in the era of big data. You're just taking the least proficient, the least time efficient and the dumbest way around gladiator while everyone is about to quit.

    This all aside, GunZ is getting boring lately. I'mma go back to chess I think.

  10. #100

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    Of course, your conscious while attempting to have fixed sub-concious thoughts. You have to ****ing fix them. How the **** can you fix something sub-consciously? Fixed-thoughts is like, when I broach a word; myriad things come to your mind. If you learn how to look at problems, and reduce them to a state so you can recognize where it branched off from. This will become natural through-out time! Then when I mention that same word? Ya, shut the **** up. This correlates with movement and for reactions as well; pressing "W" into plight situations with fixed-thoughts along with adapting to situations. Becomes natural, and you can evolve. Every time you ****ing attack me its based on my direction and range, wrong? I can bait directions. Then if you think I'm baiting. I'll just completely stop and you'll overthink me. OR I CAN BAIT. lmfao, why is this so vast? I'm explaining this to you, so you'll stop being at such a funboy-tier and actually provide a enthralling fight, YOU'RE BORING. And you talk down Dennett, but Yin... Show me your book? And if you don't think he has authentic points. You probably are religious, monk styler.

    Edit : You're so ****ing gay and dumb.

    And that whole spiel about what's efficient jukes? You have persuasive ones and predictable ones. Your arguing with your dumb interpretations, efficient jukes are successful jukes. You literally just replaced my adjective with an adjective... Great argument. And you can be situational-based and sustain control.
    Last edited by Swastika; 04-13-2014 at 05:05 PM.

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