Originally Posted by HanzHDEdits View Post
Dotn get why you dont post the raw gzr. I seen a vid that dan showed me and he looks normal. If he DID oc, his shots wouldn't be as fast as urs in the dam replay, hence, you ff'd it..
+ Dan moves slow compared to alot of people I know. He focuses more on aim rather than movements. Been playing Gunz with him for yrs now, I should know.. Give the raw gzr then say he ocs. Look at his own POV from his own pc not from smoeone tampering with shit then say he ocs. Good day.
lol ppl covering for him yet everyone know he spread the shit himself XDDDD even ppl that are close to him admit he is using shit. U can dl .gzr files yourself > completed reports. Bye bye good day stupid jew is banned .