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  1. #1
    GeorgeGFX's Avatar

    Join Date
    Nov 2010

    Frequently Asked Questions
    1. Introduction

    Client & Launcher Issues
    2. I receive 'Couldn't find patch info' error / my Launcher is gone.
    3. I am unable to log-in.
    4. I am getting 'Agent Error' / everyone are 999 ping to me.
    5. FGunZ does not start.
    6. FGunZ keeps crashing.
    7. When I start FGunZ I get the error 'Failed to initialize DirectX'.

    Account, Characters & Gaming Management + Issues
    8. I cannot log-in. It keeps saying 'wrong password' - OR - I forgot the password of my account.
    9. I cannot recover my account, I do not remember the e-mail I used, what should I do?
    10. Am I allowed to share my account?
    11. My account was scammed, what should I do now?
    12. I accidentally deleted my character, what should I do?
    13. During a gameplay my FPS drops and my screen is stuttering, how can I fix it?
    14. I receive 'Hacking Attempt Detected' error upon log-in.
    15. I want to create a new character but the name is already taken, is it possible to delete the character and retrieve the name?
    16. Whenever I play Garden/Port/Prison map(s), I spike / screen is stuttering.

    17. I am not playing FGunZ anymore, can I chargeback my money?
    18. I donated but I still haven't received any coins.
    19. I bought the wrong donation item by accident, what should I do?
    20. I want to transfer an X amount of donation items to another account.
    21. Terms of Services (Donations).

    22. I want to use a custom crosshair but I do not know how to add one.
    23. I would like to upgrade to a Gold Member (VIP), what are the benefits and is it really worth?
    24. My VIP status is gone, how can I recover it?
    25. I'm afraid to play without a VPN, can I use one to hide my IPv4 address?
    26. I uploaded an emblem to my clan but it does not appear in-game - OR - why I cannot see emblems in-game?
    27. I want to create a new clan but the name is already taken, is it possible to delete that clan specifically?
    28. I was recently banned/warned/muted, what should I do?
    29. I saw a hacker, where can I report him?
    30. I have won event points, what can I do with them?
    31. Terms of Services (FGunZ).

    Miscellaneous - Forum Related
    32. How to create a forum account.
    33. Terms of Services (Forums).
    34. Chatbox rules.
    35. Avatar & Signature Rules.
    36. How do I change my signature / user title / profile picture / avatar on forums?
    37. I am VIP but I don't know where I can view the VIP event thread.
    38. Where can I view the current Staff team?
    39. I would like to make a suggestion, where can I post it?
    40. Where can I see the Server Updates & Maintenance?
    41. HTTP ERROR 500

    1. Introduction
    This thread will contain all the supportive information you need.
    The thread includes information regarding Launcher, Client, Account Management, Donations, Forums, etc.

    2. I receive 'Couldn't find patch info' error / my Launcher is gone.
    'Couldn't find patch info'
    If your Launcher says it's a firewall problem ("Check your firewall") then it's either a firewall problem (your firewall is blocking Launcher.exe) or it's a proxy setting (Check your Internet Explorer -> Proxy -> Turn off proxy and reset all IE settings and proxy settings to default/automatic).

    If your Launcher is gone, then your Anti-Virus software probably deleted it.
    The FGunZ Launcher is packed and encrypted for our protection which makes some anti-virus programs detect it as a virus (so called 'false-positive') and delete the Launcher.exe.
    There are two things you can do to prevent that from happening;
    • Disable your anti-virus software and download the FGunZ Launcher from here, move it to your FGunZ folder and add the FGunZ Launcher to the exception list of your anti-virus software to prevent future problems.
    • Uninstalling your anti-virus software completely from your computer.

    Note: In some cases after uninstalling your AV software, there are still registry files which may interfere with your Launcher. (IF something like that happens after you tried restarting your computer > download CCleaner, clean your registry files & try to patch your client)

    3. I am unable to log-in.
    This issue is caused either by your anti-virus software or your windows firewall.
    They might be blocking the incoming and outgoing traffic of Freestyle GunZ.
    There are two things you can do to prevent that from happening;
    • Add gunz.exe (inside your FGunZ folder) to the exception list of your firewall and anti-virus software and restart FGunZ.
    • Remove your anti-virus software completely from your computer.

    4. I am getting 'Agent Error' / everyone are 999 ping to me.
    In most cases this error is caused by your router.
    Before you check both of the tutorials below, here are a few things you must do and you should know.
    • If you have an Anti-Virus installed on your computer, having the Windows Firewall enabled is useless because every anti-virus software has it's own Firewall that is well coded and protects you way better than the Windows Firewall does, therefore, disable your Windows Firewall, sometimes it's blocking ports which causes you to get AE/NAT.
    • After you disabled your Windows Firewall, if you still get receive the error in-game, try to turn off your Anti-Virus entirely, sometimes even the AV's blocks connections/ports or if you are afraid of disabling it, check your advanced settings and make sure the software is not blocking any ports and has allowed sharing connections.
    • Now as you have both Windows Firewall and Anti-Virus disabled, you shouldn't have any trouble receiving Agent Error but in-case you still do, then you should head over to your Control Panel > System and Security > Windows Firewall > on the left side menu click Advanced Settings and wait for the Windows Firewall with Advanced Security windows to pop up.
    • Once you're there, on the left side menu click Inbound Rules, make sure FGunZ & GunZ.exe are allowed there.
    • Now as you have Inbound Rules opened, head over to the right side menu and click "Add New Rule.." / "New Rule.."
    • Here comes the tricky part, you want to click on Port and click Next, pick TCP on the first box and on the second type in the port you are using on FGunZ, by default it's 7700.
    • Click next, pick "Allow the Connection", next part doesn't do anything so click Next again, for name use FGunZ Port, click Finish.
    • Now you allowed port 7700 into your Firewall, you want to do the same thing over again with port 7700 but this time pick UDP instead of TCP.
    • Once you allowed port 7700 both TCP & UDP, do the same with port 7800.
    • If you did everything correctly, the Agent Error should be fixed and you should receive it anymore in-game in-case you do, check out both of tutorials below.

    Read carefully both of the tutorials regarding the issue;

    Please check both tutorials for information and detailed help.
    Note: Make sure that your in-game settings port is set to 7700~7800.
    Note #2: If the problem still persists after you did everything regarding portforwarding and other stuff, then it's most likely your ISP blocking the ports, call them and tell them to unblock the ports.

    5. FGunZ does not start.
    There are 4 different things that could cause this problem, try all solutions.
    • Either: Your firewall or anti-virus software are blocking the Launcher and FGunZ.
      Disable your anti-virus and firewall, or add gunz.exe and launcher.exe (inside your FGunZ folder) to the exception list of your firewall and anti-virus software and restart FGunZ.
    • OR: You may have to install Microsoft 2010 Redistributable which is located in the "C:\Program Files (x86)\Freestyle GunZ Version 7\redist" Folder. If you're using 64 bit OS - install the x86 AND x64. If using a 32 bit OS, install the x86 only. If it asks - run the repair option.
    • OR: You are lacking of administrative rights. To gain administrative rights, you need to do the following;
      - Head over to your FGunZ folder destination.
      - Right click the folder of FGunZ > Properties.
      - Go to "Security" tab > there you will see Group or User names.
      - Edit every single user you see in the list and tick out the "Full Control" option, make sure you tick the "Allowed", not "Deny".
      - When you are completely sure that you now permitted all of the users, apply all the changes by clicking "Apply > Okay".
      - You should now have full administrative rights on the FGunZ folder.
      - Try to run the Launcher as Administrator > FGunZ should start loading.
    • Try installing Freestyle GunZ on the drive where your main Operation System (OS) is installed, by default for most of the computers - the OS is installed on the Local Disk <C:> and if you have your OS installed on a second hard drive, install FGunZ there.

    6. FGunZ keeps crashing.
    You can try two solutions.
    • You may have to install Microsoft 2010 Redistributable which is located in the "C:\Program Files (x86)\Freestyle GunZ Version 7\redist" Folder.
      - If you're using 64 bit OS - install the x86 AND x64. If using a 32 bit OS, install the x86 only.
      - If it asks - run the repair option.
    • Try running the FGunZ Launcher in a compatibility mode.
      - If you are having Windows 8/8.1 as an OS, try running it with a compatibility mode "Windows 7 / Windows XP SP3"

    7. When I start FGunZ I get the error 'Failed to initialize DirectX'.
    This error can be fixed with a few solutions.
    • Solution #1;
      - Head over to your FGunZ destination folder.
      - Search for the file named "Config.xml" and delete it.
      - Launch FGunZ using the Launcher.
    • Solution #2;
      - You still haven't installed DirectX on your computer.
      - Click this link here to download the latest DirectX
      - After you downloaded it, install it and run FGunZ using the Launcher.
    • Solution #3;
      - You still haven't installed Net Framework.
      - Download it from
      - Install it and run FGunZ using the Launcher.
    • Solution #4;
      - You still haven't updated your VGA drivers.
      - If you don't know what Video Card your computer has then do the following;
      - Hold the windows button on your keyboard and press R.
      - A box named "Run" should prompt up:
      - Type in "dxdiag" and hit enter > click Yes if a box appears.
      - Wait for the tool to load and afterwards click "Display" >
      - There you should see the name of your VGA.
      - Simply copy it's name and paste it in Google for instance > "AMD Radeon R9 200 Series Drivers"
      - Download the latest drivers, install them and restart your PC.
      - Run the FGunZ Launcher, it should start loading.

    8. I cannot log-in. It keeps saying 'wrong password' - OR - I forgot the password of my account.
    If you forgot/lost your password, you can always recover your account using the following link -

    9. I cannot recover my account, I do not remember the e-mail I used, what should I do?
    If you don't remember the e-mail you used during your registration, you should contact an Administrator on the forums.
    Make sure when you do that you include the following information;
    • Previous IP Address (if any).
    • Current IP Address.
    • Secret question & secret answer.
    • Previous e-mail.
    • Proof of donations used on the account.
    • Name some of your old and current characters.

    If all of the specified information matches, the Administrator will recover your account.

    10. Am I allowed to share my account?
    We do not support people that are sharing their account or selling their account.
    If you lost your account because you gave your password away or sold it, your account will not be recovered.
    It's your own responsibility for selling / giving away your account.
    If someone gave you an account and you lost it, the account will not be recovered.

    11. My account was scammed, what should I do now?
    You should contact an Administrator on the forums.
    NOTE: If your scam reason is because you shared your account or you sold it and want to recover it, that is not possible.
    It's your own fault for sharing your account as we do not support account sharing.

    12. I accidentally deleted my character, what should I do?
    You should contact either an Administrator or a Game Moderator on the forums.
    They will help you to recover your lost character.
    Keep in mind that if the character was deleted a few weeks/months ago, it will not be recovered.

    13. During a gameplay my FPS drops and my screen is stuttering, how can I fix it?
    First of all, make sure that you meet all the FGunZ requirements.

    If you do so, then you should try the following options;
    • Enable Archetype in-game from the 1337 Tab.
    • Set your FPS in-game to unlimited by setting it to '0'
    • Try running disk defragmenter.
    • Scan your computer for viruses with Malware-Bytes.
    • Close any background programs you don't need.
    • Try running FGunZ in Windowed Mode using lowered resolution - this option would increase your FPS in most cases.
    • Read this topic on how to increase your FPS.

    14. I receive 'Hacking Attempt Detected' error upon log-in.
    This error could be caused by a lot of software programs.
    Most of the times it's caused by either your Mouse or Keyboard.
    • If your Keyboard/Mouse came with a software, try disabling/uninstalling it.
    • Try disabling all your custom macros you have on your Mouse/Keyboard.
    • Make sure you are not using a drawing tablet like 'Wacom'.
    • Make sure your monitor is not a touchscreen one.
    • Try running FGunZ as Administrator.
    • Try running FGunZ in compatibility mode.
    • Disable every software programs that is not important for your system such as Fraps, Adobe Updater, uTorrent.
      - Sometimes when you boot up your computer, a lot of programs load at once and some of them might interfere with the FGunZ client.
      - In order to disable those programs, hold your Windows key on your keyboard + R, the "Run" box should pop up.
      - Type in "msconfig" and click Enter.
      - Afterwards head over to the "Startup" tab, note, if you are using Windows 8+ as an OS, you can do that by opening the task manager.
      - There you will see a list with a lot of programs.
      - Make sure that you keep enabled only the programs who are required by the system.
      - When you disable all the necessary programs, restart your PC.
      - Open FGunZ, Hacking Attempt Detected error should be now fixed.

    15. I want to create a new character but the name is already taken, is it possible to delete the character and retrieve the name?
    Yes, that is possible, you can do that here.
    Such a function was created in order to delete old characters.
    Before trying to use the function, read the following.
    • Level 1-60: last login must be more than 375 days ago
    • Level 60-75: last login must be more than 750 days ago.
    • Level 75+: can not be deleted.
    • Last login of the account of the character must be more than 150 days ago.
    • Characters with colors or donation items can not be deleted.
    • Characters in a clan can not be deleted.
    • You can request a deletion every 3 days.
    • You can only ask a Staff member to delete the character manually from the database ONLY IF the character is inside a clan & cannot be deleted using the function.
    • Under any circumstances you are forbidden to abuse the function otherwise you will receive a ban. (All actions are logged.)

    16. Whenever I play Garden/Port/Prison map(s), I spike / screen is stuttering.
    You can fix the following issue by turning off your Reflection Effect from the in-game settings under the 'Video' tab.

    17. I am not playing FGunZ anymore, can I chargeback my money?
    No you cannot.
    The donations are used to cover hosting expenses.
    You are highly prohibited from creating disputes AND/OR chargebacking your money.
    If you however open a dispute, your accounts will be permanently suspended from our services.

    18. I donated but I still haven't received any coins.
    This could happen when the automatic donation system did not work correctly.
    You should post a topic on the forums in the donation section.
    If your donation failed, you should follow a few simple steps;

    19. I bought the wrong donation item by accident, what should I do?
    There are two things you can do.
    • Contact an Administrator on the forums immediately.
    • Create a topic in the donation section, explain your issue & wait for the Administrator to respond.
      - You can create a topic here.

    20. I want to transfer an X amount of donation items to another account.
    At the moment, we don't do that and we are not planning on creating a donation transferring function.

    21. Terms of Services (Donations).
    Take a moment to read the Donation Terms of Services before donating here.

    22. I want to use a custom crosshair but I do not know how to add one.
    Follow the following step in order to add custom crosshair(s).
    Note: You can only put a maximum amount of 3 crosshairs.
    • Head over to your FGunZ folder "C:\Program Files (x86)\Freestyle GunZ Version 7\CUSTOM\CROSSHAIR"
    • Copy and paste the desired crosshair(s) you are willing to use into the folder.
    • Make sure that the crosshair images are .PNG extension NOT .JPG otherwise they will not work.
    • For multiple custom crosshairs, create the crosshair files like this:
      - First crosshair (2 files) would be named - crosshair.png, crosshair_pick.png
      - Second crosshair would be named - crosshair2.png, crosshair2_pick.png and so on.

    23. I would like to upgrade to a Gold Member (VIP), what are the benefits and is it really worth?
    Yes, it is worth to upgrade to a VIP member.
    A Lifetime Gold Membership costs 300 coins, which includes the following:
    • Access to a new category with Gold Events, where you can win a lot of free coins!
    • You can use bigger avatars on the forum.
    • You can store more private messages (1000).
    • You get a special user rank image next to your name (VIP) - on the Forums and In-game!
    • Golden Usergroup Color.
    • Special treatment, yes - you're special.
    • You will have the ability to join full rooms.
    • You will be granted with the ability to change your own forum name (once every 60 days).

    If are satisfied with the benefits, you can upgrade to a VIP member here.

    Note: Only a few VIP members can enter full rooms. Say the room is 16/16 with no VIP members, a few VIP members can join. Say the room is 16/16 with a few VIP members, no more VIP members can join the room.

    24. My VIP status is gone, how can I recover it?
    If you are wondering why you lost your VIP member status in-game in first place, take moment to read the note included.
    If your in-game VIP status has disappeared, read the following;
    If you are VIP on the forums then your in-game VIP rank can be restored.
    To do that, follow the following steps;
    • Take a moment to read the VIP changes here.
    • Unless you already read the changes, visit this link.
    • Enter your in-game Username & Password.
    • Click the "Get VIP" button > you successfully restored your in-game VIP grade!

    Note: Recently there was a manual check up of all the VIP members as most of them used to share their VIP with non-VIP users which is against the rules.

    25. I'm afraid to play without a VPN, can I use one to hide my IPv4 address?
    Rules have changed, playing FGunZ with a VPN is now forbidden.
    You are not allowed to use a VPN.
    If you have a really good reason to use a VPN, take your time to contact Dave on the forums
    He is the one to decide whether you will be permitted to play with a VPN or not.
    If you decide to not contact
    Dave and play with a VPN, your account will be issued with a warning/ban.

    Note: If you're really scared of exposing your IPv4 (IP) Address during a gameplay, you can read this topic about how to protect yourself from IP Resolvers & DDoS attacks.

    26. I uploaded an emblem to my clan but it does not appear in-game - OR - why I cannot see emblems in-game?
    The server's cache should update at least once after you uploaded/deleted your emblem.
    Sometimes it takes from 30 minutes to 24 hours.
    If you cannot see any emblems in-game;
    • Head over to "C:\Users\YOUR-PC-NAME\Documents\Freestyle Gunz".
    • There you should see a folder named "Emblems".
    • Delete it and restart FGunZ.
    • You should be able to see all emblems now.
      - A tip, if your computer is slow, that is probably the reason why your emblems never appear in-game.
      - Another tip, if you are using Kaspersky Internet Security, uninstall it as it prevents you from seeing emblems.

    27. I want to create a new clan but the name is already taken, is it possible to delete that clan specifically?
    At the moment, there is no such a function to delete clans.
    However, you can always contact an Administrator / Game Moderator on the forums and request a clan deletion.
    If the history of the clan is clean and it's Leader is inactive, the clan will be deleted from the database.

    28. I was recently banned/warned/muted, what should I do?
    You should create an appeal here.
    A few things to keep in mind when creating an unban appeal;
    • Do not act aggressively on your unban appeal.
    • Do not disrespect any of the Staff team.
    • Do not use harsh language in your unban appeal.
    • If you do so, you will lower your unban chances.
    • You are not allowed to create unban appeals for other players but only you.

    29. I saw a hacker, where can I report him?
    Note: Before you report a specific player, please read this thread for full information regarding player reports.
    If you saw a player who did something against he ToS, you can report the user
    Make sure that you;
    • Did not provoke the user.
    • You are sure that the user was 100% using 3rd party programs.
    • You did not edit any of your evidence(s) using programs like Paint, Photoshop, etc.
    • You used the reporting format - here.
    • You gathered and uploaded the correct evidence - here.

    30. I have won event points, what can I do with them?
    You have two options;
    • Convert your Event Points to FCoins by going here & click the "Convert" button.
    • You can spend the Event Points on items by going to the Event Points shop - here.

    Keep in mind that the converting ratio from Event Points to FCoins is 1:1.5.
    That means if you have 10 Event Points, after converting them, they would turn into 15 FCoins.

    31. Terms of Services (FGunZ).
    By signing up on FGunZ, you agree to obey the Terms of Service.
    You can read the FGunZ Terms of Services
    Failure to disobey the rules will result in an account suspension.

    32. How to create a forum account.
    Follow the following steps in order to create a forum account;
    • Open this URL in your browser -
    • The page should look like this;
    • Fill in the required information.
    • Read the Forum Rules and tick out that you agree with our ToS:
    • Click "Complete Registration" button.
    • You now have successfully created a forum account.
    • Don't forget to check your e-mail (spam folder as well) to verify your account so you can use the Chatbox to chat with other players.
    • Having/creating mutliple accounts on the forums is against the rules and you might end up banned.

    33. Terms of Services (Forums).
    You can read the forum Terms of Services here.

    34. Chatbox Rules.
    You can read the Chatbox Rules here.

    35. Avatar & Signature Rules.
    You can read the Avatar & Signature Rules here.

    36. How can I edit my General Settings / Signature / User Title / Profile Picture / Avatar on forums?
    Editing your General Profile Settings;
    • On the upper right corner of your screen there should be a several buttons:
    • Click on "Settings" button.
    • You should see "My Settings" on the left corner of your screen:
    • Click on "Edit Profile" from the list.
    • There you will find all the general settings for your account including e-mail, password changes, user title, etc.

    Editing your Profile Picture, Avatar & Signature;
    • Head over again to your settings:
    • If you would like to change your Profile Picture, click on "Edit Profile Picture" button, the same goes for your Avatar & Signature.
    • If you would like to change your Signature, click on "Edit Signature".
    • This is a little bit tricky as you will have have to use the [ IMG ] [ /IMG ] tag.
    • Simply upload your desired signature on '' by clicking "Upload Images".
    • When it's done uploading, you should see on the right corner, a text named "BBCode (message boards & forums)".
    • Copy the link inside the [ IMG ] [ /IMG ] tag we previously mentioned.
    • Go back to your "Signature Editing" option and paste the link along with the [ IMG ] [ /IMG ] tag.
    • Click on the "Save Signature" button, the outcome should be something like this;

    37. I'm VIP but I don't know where I can view the VIP event thread.
    You can view all the VIP events here.
    That is the official VIP thread.
    Keep in mind that everything posted in the VIP section is highly prohibited to be leaked and doing so might result in a permanent user downgrade.
    That means you will lose your VIP status and recovering wouldn't exist as an option.

    38. Where can I view the current Staff team?
    You can view the current Staff team either here OR here.

    39. I would like to make a suggestion, where can I post it?
    You can make all type of suggestions here.

    40. Where can I see Server Updates & Maintenance?
    You can view all the Server Updates & Maintenance here.

    41. HTTP ERROR 500?
    If you are receiving an HTTP Error 500 or your page is completely white, make sure to change your Thread Display Mode to 'Linear - Oldest First' from Hybrid.
    If the problem still persists, try cleaning your DNS cache by opening the CMD and typing > ipconfig /flushdns - afterwards, try using Google's public DNS
    Last edited by #1Chef; 12-12-2017 at 02:06 AM.

    >>> Credits to Sikk408 @ DevaintArt <<<

  2. The following 9 users say thank you to GeorgeGFX for this useful post:

    Azuki (10-01-2014), CaptainMurdaTurk (09-30-2014), Colour (09-30-2014), Eddie (09-30-2014), Michi (10-05-2014), Notorious (09-30-2014), Ommadawn (09-30-2014), Opeth (09-30-2014), Striker (09-30-2014)

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