Originally Posted by jetman82 View Post
Even if the majority of players ran on midrange pc's, it's simply not worth the required effort. The best you're going to get is if someone takes Grandao's RS3 support and fixes the issue with amd gpu's (something about shaders I think, can't remember). Even then though, it's not going to increase character quality, only map quality. but, in doing this, you run into a couple possible issues.

Issue #1:
Players are segregated b/c of hardware, some people wouldn't be able to run the game with the increased graphical fidelity. They'd be stuck running old maps, unable to play with the people running the new maps.
Issue #2:
You could have a HQ/SQ client, but this would require all maps to be remade with RS3 support, would require 2 sources, and would also require someone be knowledgeable enough to modify Grandao's code to support AMD gpu's correctly (guys with intel igp's probably be S.O.L).While technically possible, it's not worth the effort necessary. A big thing that would help GunZ is AF, and I'm sure Secrets can code the 32-bit stencil buffer support (this would also help). I feel a lot of times people don't really understand the effort that's required to modify gunz graphics. Things like antialiasing were fairly easy, the codes already there. Everything else however, is a huge undertaking. No one, save Lambda, is willing to create their own engine and replace RS2 with it.
Anisotropic filtering is trivial and, off the top of my head, the code would literally be like 5 lines:

	D3DCAPS9 Caps;
	g_pDevice->SetSamplerState(0, D3DSAMP_MAXANISOTROPY, Caps.MaxAnisotropy);
Not sure whatever you're thinking about, but it barely does anything at all.

Gunz doesn't even use the typical 8-bit stencil buffers by default; I have no clue why you would want 32-bit ones.

Things like bloom, ambient occlusion and other post-processing aren't difficult to do but enbseries does those already. New engine with new textures would be the main thing that'd make it look better, but it's a lot of work with a lot of issues, and I'd personally rather see the fgunz staff working on pathetically simple things like fixing the ****ing [v] tag instead of reworking the entire game anyway, but maybe that's just me.