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  1. #21

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    Aug 2013
    Originally Posted by Mime View Post
    I think that you're an uneducated idiot because Jesus didn't even write the bible. Not sure about Mohammed so I won't say anything about that. Don't type up random shit and post it just to get your post count up. At least do a bit of research before posting in a debate thread.
    Well we all know that it is impossible to prove a negative, but at what point can one argue that so many of the core attributes of an individual are inaccurate or impossible that the traditional understanding of that individual is no longer valid. If we were to learn that Christopher Marlowe was the true author of works like “Romeo and Juliet,” “Macbeth,” and “Hamlet” than our previous understanding of “Shakespeare” would be completely wrong. Though a person named Shakespeare would still have lived, he would not have been the person we thought he was, and one might not be wrong to say that the Shakespeare who was arguably the greatest writer in the English language, the Shakespeare as we now know him, never really existed (or in the least that the genius playwright identity previously understood as “Shakespeare” should now be known as “Marlowe”). Can the same be true of Jesus? We can never prove that a Jesus didn’t exist, but if we can, through logic and reason, strip Jesus of his major attributes (god, son of god, performer of miracles, resurrection, ect), or show him to be more myth than man, than wouldn’t the traditional understanding of “Jesus” become so distorted as to be no longer recognizable? Most of Jesus’ more amazing attributes can be found in mythologies that predate his birth. Tales of a “son of god” were common and the theme of a “god” dying and then rising into heaven had also already been written (Krishna, Buddha). In fact almost every one of those acts that people associate with Jesus can be shown to have existed in a pervious mythological character. This, to me, makes Jesus less unique, and severely undermines the credibility of claims that he actually did what others had previously only done in myths. Such miraculous acts can also be attacked from a physics standpoint, since many are impossible according to the laws of physics (everything from a virgin birth to water into wine and the multiplication of loaves and fishes). If one were to see Jesus attacked in such a way is there really any solace in saying that it is impossible to prove he never existed, since the Jesus that probably did exist possessed none of the traits we currently identify as his? Corroborating evidence outside of the bible that points to Jesus’ existence is also incredible (not “amazing”, but “not credible”). Writings like Josephus’ “Antiquities of the Jews” that mention Jesus were copied exclusively by Christian scribes. Most scholars now agree that the major portion of this text that discusses Jesus was falsified by scribes who were probably surprised by the suspiciously few mentions of their savior in such histories, and attempted to correct the obvious oversight. There are no credible sources that can be used to show that the Jesus of the bible ever existed, that the identity given him is not completely contrived. I believe that his identity as most understand it is complete myth. While a man named Jesus may have existed from roughly 1 BCE till 33 CE, his birth was not announced by a new star, he did not perform miracles, and he was not god or god’s son; and therefore he was not really “Jesus.” I believe that “Jesus” never existed. -

    shut up ******

  2. The following 3 users say thank you to Shino for this useful post:

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  3. #22
    autism's Avatar TBG.

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    god is real

    this debate can go on and on for as long as you like. I think god is real. Human itself for example, the human body is an extraordinary thing with our DNA containing more information than anything you can ever imagine. Everything is just right for us, we need the essentials of what we have heart, brain, lungs? And to add on to this, nature itself is a miracle. The distance from the Sun is just perfect? Not a coincidence. Yes it's true that many bad things have happened within mankind, (9/11, WWII, etc). This is why there is Heaven and Hell which should encourage man to care about one another. I believe that all humans are born evil, we are all selfish deep down and only care about ourselves which is survival, but people do not see this because we have been given an opportunity to live such a great life. I think I have encountered God myself. There was a tragic accident that occurred in my family, and my prayed so hard to God for some miracle to happen. I was losing hope and needed something, what do you know? That miracle happened, I'm not asking you to believe me on this, but I myself truly think that God is real.

  4. #23
    Dave's Avatar 1' or 1=1--

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    Originally Posted by slugheady View Post
    As I said, I don't believe in God. To me, God is something made up for the greater good. I think it's something that evolved out of age old tales, resulting in a movement / culture.
    ^ Pretty sums up my opinion.

    When it comes to religions, it was all made up by someone to begin with and later on written in books.
    And let's not even talk about how some religions disallow you to do certain things in life (eating pork perhaps or drinking alcohol, anyone?), I'm not being told what to do by a book.
    It's a terrible thing, I think, in life to wait until you're ready.
    I have this feeling now that actually no one is ever ready to do anything.
    There is almost no such thing as ready. There is only now.
    And you may as well do it now. Generally speaking, now is as good a time as any.

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  6. #24

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    Science all the way, to people who believe in god: In your entire life, did something really happen to you to make you believe? No... when you were children you were just told about god by your parents, and you believe in it. There's no real evidence, it's made up by human.

  7. #25
    Azula's Avatar Tauntshot Master

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    Most of you people don't understand why some intelligent people believe in God. It is not because of the ridiculous religions. It's because of the bible.

    The bible is scientifically accurate. The bible is, was and will always be centuries ahead of the science.

    One of the many evidence is that in the middle ages scientist taught that the earth was flat. Other people in Asia believed that the world was getting carried by giant animals. In 1961 the first man flew to the moon and it was officially proven that the earth is round and do not hang on anything.

    In all these hundreds of years (almost 2000 years) that knowledge was in the bible;

    - “He stretches out the northern sky over empty space, suspending the earth upon nothing.”
    Job 26:7
    - “There is One who dwells above the circle of the earth.”
    Isaiah 40:22

    Both verses explain that the earth is in a empty space and do not hang on anything and that the earth is circle formed. In the middle ages scientist said that the theories of the bible was the most ridiculous of all. Just like in our time.

    Both books were written 1473 - 732 B.C. And both of the writers claim that what they were writing inspired was by Gods knowledge. This is just one of the so many evidence that the bible has a knowledge far beyond humans.
    But first, LET ME TAKE A SELFIE!

    Bar must be 2pro
    Dean must be legend

  8. #26
    GeorgeGFX's Avatar

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    Those who believe God is real.
    Do you have any efficient proof?
    No, then stop saying God exists, nobody has seen it anyways

    - - - Updated - - -

    Originally Posted by Azula View Post
    Most of you people don't understand why some intelligent people believe in God. It is not because of the ridiculous religions. It's because of the bible.

    The bible is scientifically accurate. The bible is, was and will always be centuries ahead of the science.

    One of the many evidence is that in the middle ages scientist taught that the earth was flat. Other people in Asia believed that the world was getting carried by giant animals. In 1961 the first man flew to the moon and it was officially proven that the earth is round and do not hang on anything.

    In all these hundreds of years (almost 2000 years) that knowledge was in the bible;

    - “He stretches out the northern sky over empty space, suspending the earth upon nothing.”
    Job 26:7
    - “There is One who dwells above the circle of the earth.”
    Isaiah 40:22

    Both verses explain that the earth is in a empty space and do not hang on anything and that the earth is circle formed. In the middle ages scientist said that the theories of the bible was the most ridiculous of all. Just like in our time.

    Both books were written 1473 - 732 B.C. And both of the writers claim that what they were writing inspired was by Gods knowledge. This is just one of the so many evidence that the bible has a knowledge far beyond humans.
    Bible is written by us - human, not by God or whatsoever so quit believing he exists

    >>> Credits to Sikk408 @ DevaintArt <<<

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  10. #27
    Azula's Avatar Tauntshot Master

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    Originally Posted by George View Post
    Those who believe God is real.
    Do you have any efficient proof?
    No, then stop saying God exists, nobody has seen it anyways

    - - - Updated - - -

    Bible is written by us - human, not by God or whatsoever so quit believing he exists
    If you won't study the bible you will never find the evidence about the knowledge in it.
    But first, LET ME TAKE A SELFIE!

    Bar must be 2pro
    Dean must be legend

  11. The following user said thank you to Azula for this useful post:

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  12. #28
    GeorgeGFX's Avatar

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    Originally Posted by Azula View Post
    If you won't study the bible you will never find the evidence about the knowledge in it.
    The bible is only written so you guys who believe in the God -that nobody has ever seen-, don't lose a faith in God and freak out.

    >>> Credits to Sikk408 @ DevaintArt <<<

  13. #29
    Jonathan pls's Avatar Uh suma luma duma luma

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  14. #30
    Eddie's Avatar find ɟlǝsɹnoʎ

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    Originally Posted by Azula View Post
    If you won't study the bible you will never find the evidence about the knowledge in it.
    I've read the bible growing up, and I'm sorry. Can't trust some outdated book for evidence. If you can, that's cool, but I can't. Books (like the Bible) are written by people just like you and me. If people are tempted to make shit up nowadays for attention, who's to say that same temptation didn't exist back then ? Not everyone back then was this perfect little angel who obeyed this "God." Just look at the Adam and Eve story. Just look at Judas.

    I think it's almost an insult to say that this complex planet and everything/everyone in it was made by some magical waving of hands in such a short period of time. I think there's something more complex. And I also think the SB king hit the nail right on the coffin. I feel that man made up God to protect the sanity of man. To give them motivation to live, so they didn't feel like there was no point in living. And even if there really is no point in living, I'd still want to anyway, solely because life is such a beautiful thing that should be appreciated and explored.

    Eddie | Kiwi | Suiji

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