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  1. #11
    Linzor's Avatar White shores, and beyond

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    Originally Posted by Lt Eddie View Post
    Also, making things easier for you guys doesn't necessarily mean taking away all your fun and turning you into a robot. I don't really see how making a simple command for others to check the rules and making things more efficient would make you guys feel like hosting is more "boring,"
    I love asking "Any questions?" If we would go through the rules I'm sure EVERYONE would be like "OMG WE KNOW THE RULES FFS JUST START". Which would certainly ruin my atmosphere since I think its kinda fun to explain the rules and be a bit creative when explaining what they should do. In the end, after being super annoyed by it and become really grumpy, I wouldnt be surprised if I said "Just type /dodgeball for rules..."

  2. #12
    Michi's Avatar spread kindness

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    Originally Posted by Lt Eddie View Post
    It's honestly not that bad of an idea. It makes things more efficient if anything and gets rid of redundancy. We already know people like to rush in GunZ and want things to happen at a fast pace. A majority of people also already know the rules to all of the events. Hell, the second they enter the password they're already ready to frigging play xD.

    If this could be coded similar to Omarun's first idea (making the rules an Event Channel exclusive thing), maybe give like a 30 second countdown once the password is announced, so everyone has a chance to /dodgeballrules, /hnsrules, or w.e if they need to be informed of the rules, or if they need to change weapons/sets/etc. Plus no one will have to repeat themselves either for late joiners who didn't get to see the rules.

    Also, making things easier for you guys doesn't necessarily mean taking away all your fun and turning you into a robot. I don't really see how making a simple command for others to check the rules and making things more efficient would make you guys feel like hosting is more "boring," as opposed to doing something so tedious as writing memorized lines over and over again, almost as if you're REALLY a robot xD. Isn't all the fun, freedom, and creativity in hosting anyway ? Plus, correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think this would really take up THAT much extra space in the client either. Also, I thought when you use personal commands, like /freestyle and /colors, that other players can't see it. So why would spam be an issue if this /rules thing could be coded the same way ?
    No matter how many people know the event theres always some who don't know about it. And the fast pace part isn't really for events, never been like FAST LETS GOGOGOGOGO before. But I mean, what's the point of doing it if like you said mostly everyone knows the rules..? We're ET for a reason, if someone asks a question we should be more than happy to answer. It's not about making it easier it's about making it fun which is why I disagree on this part of the suggestion. Repeating myself; there's a lot more significant things to do rather than worry about automating rule explanation, even though it's not a problem whatsoever.
    Last edited by Michi; 04-22-2015 at 04:59 AM.

  3. #13
    Eddie's Avatar find ɟlǝsɹnoʎ

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    Originally Posted by Michi View Post
    No matter how many people know the event theres always some who don't know about it.
    That's exactly why I support the suggestion. The whole purpose of making a commands for the rules is for the people who don't know the rules to utilize it xD.

    Originally Posted by Michi View Post
    It's not about making it easier it's about making it fun which is why I disagree on this part of the suggestion.
    I mean, I personally don't see how there can be that much fun in writing the same lines over and over again (maybe with a little play on words here and there), or answering people's questions, to which the answers mostly revolve around common sense, but to each his own I guess xD.

    I'm only supporting this suggestion because of efficiency. Players who aren't informed of the event rules have a concrete, instant way of finding them out, and players who already know the rules and are ready to go can just be up and ready to go.

    The only annoying thing would be having to repeat what the commands are for the rules to each event if a player asks, but maybe (if possible) they could make it so the Event Channel lobby chat makes an automated message every time you enter the channel saying "Type /rules for a list of commands to our event rules!" then under that would be a subset of /dodgeballrules /hnsrules, /lmsrules, etc., and from there the user can just find the command they need, read up on the rules while the host prepares the room and gets ready to announce the password. There's usually like a 1-2 minute waiting period from when the room is created to when the password is announced anyway, so that's more than enough time for a new player to get familiar with the rules. That way everyone can just all go in once the password is announced with the same intentions, being ready to "ready up" and play
    Last edited by Eddie; 04-22-2015 at 05:13 AM.

    Eddie | Kiwi | Suiji

  4. #14
    Michi's Avatar spread kindness

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    Originally Posted by Lt Eddie View Post
    That's exactly why I support the suggestion. The whole purpose of making a commands for the rules is for the people who don't know the rules to utilize it xD.

    I mean, I personally don't see how there can be that much fun in writing the same lines over and over again (maybe with a little play on words here and there), or answering people's questions, to which the answers mostly revolve around common sense, but to each his own I guess xD.

    I'm only supporting this suggestion because of efficiency. Players who aren't informed of the event rules have a concrete, instant way of finding them out, and players who already know the rules and are ready to go can just be up and ready to go.

    The only annoying thing would be having to repeat what the commands are for the rules to each event if a player asks, but maybe (if possible) they could make it so the Event Channel lobby chat makes an automated message every time you enter the room saying "Type /rules for a list of commands to our event rules!" then under that would be a subset of /dodgeballrules /hnsrules, /lmsrules, etc., and from there the user can just find the command they need, read up on the rules while the host prepares the room and gets ready to announce the password. There's usually like a 1-2 minute waiting period from when the room is created to when the password is announced anyway, so that's more than enough time for a new player to get familiar with the rules. That way everyone can just all go in once the password is announced with the same intentions, being ready to "ready up" and play
    Honestly, explaining is kinda my favorite part for explaining. Especially events like rfd, or run from the D . But I know it's efficient, it really would be, but problems your putting down as a scenario never really happens, not in my events atleast. And for some events I may like to change up the rules a bit, what if the auto explainer would get them killed because we're doing Michi says: and not Simon says..? But looking at it from my point of view, it's not an issue really. It may be efficient but if there's any questions players may seem to have, I answer them.

  5. #15
    Linzor's Avatar White shores, and beyond

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    Originally Posted by Lt Eddie View Post
    That way everyone can just all go in once the password is announced with the same intentions, being ready to "ready up" and play
    Just like Will and I said before, it would be really boring if it was just like this. I like interacting with them and tell them what's going to happen and stuff, in a fun way even! I really hope they appericiate that we do tell them and perhaps even make the environment funny before it begins.
    Last edited by Linzor; 04-22-2015 at 05:22 AM.

  6. #16

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