Originally Posted by Shino View Post

Snipers are metaphorically the "ebola of fgunz" as quoted by several fgunz players. It's perhaps the most irritating thing when someone joins a TDM with a sniper and literally drains half your HP and all of your AP immediately.

My suggestions on how to deal with them

Increasing the time after a scope before you an shoot
The previous "nerf" was completely ineffective. Snipers are still overpowered and used practically as a rev with 100% accuracy and 3 times the damage.

Increasing the weight or adding negative HP/AP penalties (ty sonji for the idea)
Similar to the 1 hit nades. Would make it much more fair when playing against different play-styles.

Adding a [NSNO] tag which prevents snipers from being allowed in the room (similar to the [EX] tag)
I don't understand why room-tag suggestions are being spurned in order for the next update. If it's because of there being an excessive amount, certain room-tags such as [KS] which practically no use uses should be removed.

Pretty much the only con of nerfing snipers
A handful of people saying they'll quit because of the nerf and a week later end up no-lifing the game again (yes fox i'm talking to you).

Comparing shotguns to snipers

The only argument I've seen is that "omg nerf shootgunz bcz yu can 3-shoot some1 witth them too."
You can 3-shot someone provided you're right next to them, that also makes you susceptible to also being 3-shot as well. Whilst using a sniper, regardless of your distance to your opponent (whether you're across the map or right next your opponent), you can still shoot twice and kill them.

I'd personally lean towards the room-tag option because it provides an option for the community instead of changing the entire mechanism of the snipers. Not to mention it's a lot easier.

thanks for reading
That roomtag option wont help for all the trigger happy shotgun spamming CWers QQing about snipers that hit them from accros the map (still beats me how they shoot through all those walls without hacking though).

Though the damage might need some decreasing yes. However do not add another scope delay on top of it or a roomtag solely for banning out snipers (if that would be done there should be a roomtag for every weapon to ban them out).