Originally Posted by Notorious View Post
Archtype for modern day GunZ players isn't even used to gain FPS it's used more to help with aiming/seeing there opponent. (Of course there's some who use it for the FPS boost but allot of modern day PC's can handle GunZ easily without it)

Pills/Vials are OP already in the aspect of you can potentially med mid-battle and allot quicker than you would with regular drop/pick up meds, atleast with the having the gfx feature that comes with them you are kind of giving them a dis-advantage to help even out with the advantages.

If you don't like how they drop your FPS then use regular meds yourself and back off from your opponent when they decide to med with vials/pills.

Atleast now I know if i ever catch you in game i'll throw smokes, grenades and launches at you because i know your FPS drop will be hella funny.
i cry :/ and i die more from medding than getting smoked/nades/launched rly .__. found it stupid to even bother medding l0l