balance shouldn't be adjusted because the anti-lead metagame is not well understood yet. it's changed how the game is played in some very complex ways, but from what i've seen the players have not yet really adjusted to the extent that they could. it's like everybody silently agreed to keep playing as ifthere were lead, yet everybody can just hit more easily now. if the meta game were properly developed everybody would probably be clamoring for revs to be nerfed into oblivion. maybe rifles too. and don't get me started on snipers. awful weapons.

TDM might not even be a legit competitive mode if people start to adapt, but that depends on a lot of things, especially item spawn control and map layout. and personally, i think duel is already terrible because of anti-lead.

[r] is dumb but nerds will never stop playing it so our only option is to make tagless rooms and pray smart players join.