Originally Posted by León View Post
As a person who had been through enough shit like this, fighting it, them.
I can only say that we actually warned the UN that this will probably happen, no one believed us, and here we are.
Those people understand force only, and even then still continue attacking, you know, when I read what happened there I feel good knowing that I've killed many terrorists myself and therefore maybe, just maybe, it could be worse...

I know terror attacks from real close and I personally lost a very close person to me in one.
Not to mention that I got to kill that one terrorist who did it like 2 years later, so well there's that.

Let us all hope for the best for everyone over there.
Words of a true warrior, the justicy in your words make me tear up sometimes, this is definitely why you're on of my best friends.
~ Pray for the dead people, aswell as the people who were close with them.