Originally Posted by kekeface View Post
FGunz specifically has weird antilead with pellet shots not registering. There are lots of times people would have died w/ lead on but don't even take damage on fg while standing still.

It's not that weird I guess just need to have your crosshair over them which kinda removes some skill of controlling the gun and getting optimal damage. It'd be like having to aim over someone while spraying in csgo.

Then again behind shots register (like when someone is behind you and to the side) and do full damage so who knows what's up. I like fg's antilead or I wouldn't play here. Only real complaint is why are revs so bad here, they are ridiculously inaccurate and register hits so rarely yet the mguns/rifles/sniper are all 100% accuracy dead on.
Revs are like that since they had armour penetration in gunz: the duel, but that would be overpowered with anti-lead. Though idk about the accuracy of them, it seems unchanged.