Originally Posted by Notorious View Post
We try to monitor to the best of our abilities, we can't be online all the time therefore that's why the report section is necessary to aid us in potentially banning someone who's at an unfair advantage when we aren't available at the time of the offense. FGunZ averages 300 players a day, all at different times, for us to check every single player all the time would be impossible, we could potentially be in a room following X user see he's fine and leave but that moment we leave they begin hacking, so again this is another reason as to why we have the report section in place.

Your suggestion is flawed in the fact you're asking us not to ban someone on the basis of a Replay/Screenshot but from what we see with our own eyes, again imagine X is hacking right now, no GM's are online so you report them, we finally get online but X user is no longer online, what are we to do? The replay clearly shows the user using some kind of hack but because we haven't seen it for our selves in 'real time' are we meant to just decline the report? You may now think well wait for X user to log back online and shadow them, okay sure and say when we do they are no longer hacking, what then? Do we simply decline and forgive them for that 1 game where they did hack, which is shown in the reports replay?
I never said, "only ban people if they're caught live". If they are clearly hacking in a screenshot or replay then yeah, go ahead and ban them obviously. But there are a lot of cases where things are overlooked and then shrugged off. I'm not saying get rid of the report a hacker section. I'm saying there needs to be much more activity in game rather than out. Again, if hackers were aware GMs were online and monitoring and actively banning people, wouldn't you think there would be less hackers as an indirect result of that? 300 people a day in a multiplayer game is not a lot of people.