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  1. #51
    New Member

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    Feb 2016
    Donation stats: 10 dmg 900 delay
    Donation+ stats: 11 dmg 950 delay

  2. #52
    Buddhism's Avatar Freestyler

    Join Date
    Jul 2013
    the more you pay = better weapons
    max being 200$ shotgun with 13 dmg and 6 clip 1000 delay
    i was buggin on an insane trip, my wifey showed me the light==
    soul elevation thru the twin flame tip, yeah, it just us, we are feeling so right
    in pursuit of justice from spaceships, we will always be whole in our Sameness
    sewn like seeds of a star, on our wayback to Oasis
    doing good deeds from a far, destroying the matrix
    WE are not caught up in the matrix
    WE have no fear, escaping that trick be so basic
    this is our world, let us stage it
    learn to love yourselves, then re arrange it
    blessed, we have the chance to give others sight
    we know trueth and what's wrong from what right
    doin due diligence, burning the midnight oil all night
    my wings are growing, aye embrace hers and take flight

  3. #53
    Junior Member

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    Apr 2014
    If it's feedback you want I have more suggestions for FGs balance.

    On my small rant for re-skinning weapons being ultra easy, if someone can get me the texture files for the offending swords I can do this myself, I've edited textures for a different server before.

    -I said no Katanas under 320 because it starts bleeding into Kodachis and becomes pointless as a separate weapon class, you want them to stand apart. Really Katanas never went under 329 so even 320 is pushing it. The fastest Katana in ijji was the Wooden Sword at 329 delay which did only 10 for damage.

    -Kodachis should start at 290 as they did originally not 280, just like Katanas should start at 359.

    -Something to add onto the balancing no one seems to ever touch upon is GunZ has a HP/AP ratio that can be tweaked with more than just damage and delay. Daggers can go through more AP than Katanas or Kodachis. Consider changing the ratio of revolvers to soak more AP instead of just making them inaccurate, one of the biggest strengths of revs is the armor piercing but I would rather have my shots connect and be softened than be unreliable.

    -Rifles x2, Pistols x2, and everything x2 always shares the same problem with poor balancing I discussed in the Lswordsx2 . If you simply make the x2 weapon more powerful than x1 weapons will almost never be used. Instead realize this doesn't work out and you must think of them as a different class of weapon instead. Pistols x2 need an accuracy buff for tighter precision shots. There is no reason why shooting across ledges in Mansion should be off-target. Both the single shots and spread need better accuracy, Pistols should not be a spray and pray weapon... they are designed for aim. (I'm not expecting LX pixel perfect precision but they definitely need an improvement)

    -Pistols x1 should, if possible get re-tooled into a new weapon that fires in multiple shots when you click once. Basically Glocks that burst fire not spray. This would mean you need to code how the gun fires in 3 for each click. Or you could try simply making the clips multiples of 3 with low delay to simulate a Glock, since x1 weapons reload much faster than x2 it can be it's own form of balancing. Consider it an in-between class of smg and dualpistols

    -The tags [ia] [r] should probably be thrown out. Balance should be done with ammo clips and reloading in mind, when you have infinite ammo with fast auto reload then youre wasting your time trying to balance anything. FG gets its reputation of being a spam server, not a skill one and it's low delays, high ammo (or inf) that are largely at fault. Training rooms should automatically be coded to be [ia] and [r] [ex] without the needed use of tags. Infact I'd prefer it if training modes had the option or defaulted to everyone doing 0 dmg. This way you can clean up both the xml training items and the over use of room tags.

    For both guns and melee I there's an excessive amount of them. For every 5 levels you get a new one and while that might be very helpful in an official xp based system where you had to grind a long time to reach that next hurdle... FG is really easy to level in so you blow past a lot of it or barely spend time with the weapon.

    Quality over Quantity, there's a lot of oddball weapons mixed in the xml for every weapon class. You can be more creative on how the items are spread out thinking in terms of weapon classes, not just duplicates. When you have a dual version of the same x1 weapon for literally every x2 then it's not very interesting or special. When you have unique weapons for unique classes it feels like there is more variety. There's weapons that look like revolvers yet are pistols and other strange stuff, so the xml looks haphazardly put together.

    Example1: Lswordsx2 take a Katana that looks very long like InstaTrainingSword or Katana Twin and make it an Lswordx2 instead.
    Example2: Take some of the Pistol models and make them pistolx1 only, for the glock class.
    Example3: Dont force Kodachi models into Katanas, it just looks awkward and dumb when they hold the weapon sideways.
    (Im looking at you Golden Dragon Blade)
    Last edited by Qwin; 02-06-2016 at 04:51 AM.

  4. The following 3 users say thank you to Qwin for this useful post:

    Dave (02-06-2016), Linzor (02-16-2016), Notorious (02-16-2016)

  5. #54
    Carlo's Avatar LOSER! No Cat in the Hat!

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    Oct 2015
    Especially, for those who know how to reloadshot, dmg isn't really important. DELAY IS! So, I suggest this.
    Weapon: Shotgun
    Low level stats: 7 dmg, 1000 delay 5x30
    Mid level stats: 7 dmg, 950 delay 5x30
    High level stats: 8 dmg, 950 delay 5x30
    Donation stats: 9 dmg, 950 delay 6x30
    Donation+ stats: 9 dmg, 950 delay 6x30
    Last edited by Carlo; 02-05-2016 at 12:52 PM.

  6. #55
    Junior Member

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    Apr 2014
    Higher delay balance is required to balance shotguns especially for RS, if you have low delay shotguns then RS will be super fast and shotguns already had the edge since the beginning of kstyle. Note that a delay on SG effects both swap-shot and reload-shot spam so you are lowering the bar for skill and promoting spam by making low delay sgs. It's been said already but SGs should be in the 1k range. Starting at 1200 delay and minimum of 950, donors having 850 is far too low and spammable.

    Everyone always talks about the 6x5 clip but no one ever tries 5x6. Reloading and managing your ammo in 5x5 vs 6x5 is unfair and the player with 6 obviously can punish you easily when you have to reload. Giving every donor 6clip and every bounty 5clip is bad balancing and is just Pay2Win. Making it 5x6 is the same total ammo, but now the player doesn't have an advantage at every reload.

    Sooo HotShots, I can't say I have ever seen someone use this weapon seriously outside of zombie games. Occasionally I will see people use it, but it's more of a pestering weapon and pointless for this game. I would also say HotShots removed a large part of fun out of Infected when it pushes people back so easily there's no threat. Really this weapon is only good for Infected and it makes infected lame so it's better off changed.

    Why not just have a different class of shotguns, at least to try out as the current HotShots are nothing but for lulz. HotShots can be the RS-happy lower delay lower damage sgs. If you want a SG with under normal SG 1000 delay then you use a HotShot, sounds fair. You can also edit the number of pellets in shotgun sprays so they can have lower pellet count, lower damage, low delay than standards, but have a bigger ammo clip.

    HotShots can be the SGs that have 6 ammo clips, not normal or donor SGs. If RS spam with the new Hotshots is a huge problem then knock it down to 4-5 size clips.

    Avengers. They stopped on lv45 for ijji with only 2 Avengers in the game. There should at least be one more, with an extra bullet maybe maxing out at 3 devastating blows before reloading. Donor Avg can have an additional +1 dmg or +1 pellet or lower delay than the max.

    At higher levels Avengers may need to be reworked to have lower delay to compete with the rest of the guns, especially for other shotgun RS. But it shouldn't be as fast as the best Shotguns or Hotshots. More likely, have an Avengers highest level delays be closer to an early Shotgun at 1000 or 1100. They have low clips so they are NOT spam weapons.

    At high levels Avengers should be able to 2hit kill someone with PBs to compete with 3hit PBs of SGs. They can't be spammed across the map like Snipers, so 2hit KO is fair, before ijji introduced prems the Avenger MK2 was able to 2hit KO. So the balance should be restored to deal with FGs tank armor.

    The [ex] tag should go, as it harms strategy with grenades and rockets to deal with pot-shot campers. Explosives can be re-balanced instead. Consider the maximum grenades you were allowed was 4, not 6. I think it would be okay balance if the larger clips did less damage. Currently 6, 100dmg grenades is tons of explosive spam so I see the [ex] tag just being a bandaid to Predator and an overly large amount of 100+ dmg grenades.

    If possible, give training grenades or 1hit KO 2hit KO a different explosion (old firework fx), and keep the explosion FX for standard grenades. This way people can tell if the explosion is deadly or not by visible FX on the screen. If this is not possible then at LEAST change the look of training grenades, 1hit, 2hit and standard grenades so they dont all look exactly the same... that's just poor informing.

  7. The following 2 users say thank you to Qwin for this useful post:

    Dave (02-06-2016), Notorious (02-16-2016)

  8. #56

    Join Date
    May 2014
    Originally Posted by Notorious View Post

    Low level: 6 dmg, 1000 delay / 5 clip.
    Mid level stats: 7 dmg, 1000 delay / 5 clip.
    High level stats: 8 dmg, 1000 delay / 5 clip

    Donation stats: 9 dmg, 950 delay / 5 clip
    Limit Breaker: 10 dmg, 1000 delay / 6 clip
    this exactly best post a staff has ever posted on this fukin forum ever s/o notorious for actually being the only staff who understands what makes a good server cause hes the only staff player with skill even if its little kappa

  9. The following user said thank you to Traumatiser for this useful post:

    Notorious (02-16-2016)

  10. #57
    Lemon's Avatar Hellish's Son/Best on FG

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    Originally Posted by traumatis3r View Post
    this exactly best post a staff has ever posted on this fukin forum ever s/o notorious for actually being the only staff who understands what makes a good server cause hes the only staff player with skill even if its little kappa
    But i made guud suggestion too.

  11. #58
    Junior Member

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    Apr 2014
    Back again, remember the sub-classes of weapon types I talked about? Here is an example of breaking the some melees in the xml into a more thought out system instead of smashing it all together. One of the things barely touched upon in this server is [B]weight for balance.

    This sub-class would be heavier weight, slower delay, more damage than Sword / Katanas. I have always been a fan of visual ques and it should behave like I expect it to, it looks dumb if a player is swinging around a huge sword with super low delay. The general concept of the Blunt / Heavy "sword" class is like Shotguns vs Avengers. Blunt/Heavy "sword" weapons should start at level1 since they are their own class.

    You could completely do away with Lsword x1 or x2's slot in the xml and use this instead but that's up to the FG devs. If you want them to feel even more different you can give them Lsword's animations + blocks but NOT Lsword's range these are the same length as typical Sword/Katanas, Lswords are pretty wonky animation though.

    These are a bunch Sword/Katanas that I feel like fit into the same sort of branch.

    I ignored the current level structure and just went by an order of which looks least threatening to most impressive, roughly from an artists perspective. Around every 5 of these classes there's an Axe. Since there's so few Axes in the xml I wanted to make the Axes stand out as kind of a last-stage before the next tier. I actually hate the Quake-Axe and think it should be removed but there's no other Axe to put in it's place, maybe the Hammer can be used instead for that "Axe"?

    I broke up the reskinned weapons to be farther apart, due to FGs leveling you would just go right past it immediately to ever care so this way the reskinned weapon like GobClub vs GoldGobClub feels like a next stage instead of a minor baby step. Also applies to Rudra and Agni being separated by a tier.

    Official GunZ servers had a good feel for getting to level 30 or so but after that it was a grind to get to the final weapons at Lv50. If FG breaks weapons into their own sub-classes that have their own Lv1-99s. then you can stagger and balance the amount of content a little better. These sword of sub-weapon classes can be applied to a lot of the weapons in the game, like Avengers should have it's own category when it's brought back.


    Before I end this post I'll talk about everyones favorite on this server... theres a lot of wailing and knashing teeth about Snipers to be removed or to be nerfed from all sides like the discussed reduced damage by closer distance which makes absolutely NO SENSE and it's poor game design when no other weapon behaves this way, nor is it intuitive.

    Have you tried this?
    Make it so you can only equip ONE sniper, and have Snipers have very high delay so no RS sniper swaps. Either by coding the sniper to reject another sniper like when you try to equip 2 of the same item or just increase the weight to be 30+ because 20 weight is too low to allow you to equip two. Maybe 40 weight is the ideal because it will sacrifice the ability to use meds.

    However you will have to drastically rework the rest of the weight in the xml because right now weight is the worst form of FG's balance. There's no point to trying to balance by weight if you can just stack up +10 weight rings and call it a day. The weight balance in GunZ works best at 100, as it was originally intended.

  12. The following 4 users say thank you to Qwin for this useful post:

    Dave (02-16-2016), Linzor (02-16-2016), Notorious (02-16-2016), StephanM (02-16-2016)

  13. #59
    Dave's Avatar 1' or 1=1--

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    Aug 2008
    @Qwin your posts are very useful to us and will definitely be used as a reference for our next client version.
    It's a terrible thing, I think, in life to wait until you're ready.
    I have this feeling now that actually no one is ever ready to do anything.
    There is almost no such thing as ready. There is only now.
    And you may as well do it now. Generally speaking, now is as good a time as any.

  14. #60
    New MEMBER

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    Jan 2016
    sorry dave but this idea is bad ...

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