Originally Posted by Taint View Post
Right, after watching the replay, the user is legit.
Reason being is because its your internet that's kicking in worse than it ever was, Million was too spiking btw in your replay and just as hard because you recorded the replay and since its your bad internet, he looks like he's 'ocing' when in fact he isn't.

Moreover; those two have not shared their accounts, logs show no one logged on onto the others' account. Not to mention that your ping sometimes change from time to time (like the time you were 40 to lemon and abstract then all of a sudden a 100+) (?)

User is legit, its your internet as I've mentioned above. I mean hell, even your youtube videos show obnoxious animation-skipping. In OC you wanna look for slightly messed up animation like in slash shots and jumps/half steps, which isn't there.

In conclusion; your internet is terrible, find a fix for it.
ya ok its my internet .. thats why im hitboxing in his report right?