Originally Posted by TGIF View Post
No use posting you could 30-0 me you have no proof or SS's to give anyone an idea. I can say 30-0 cuz i'm actively posting SSs. You got nothing to back it up, lil jabroni.


the guy who put like 5 people down already and posted SS as proof is waiting.


i suggest we could do 4v4 even. Yeah, take out all of you in one battle lol. Sounds good. Since there are too many shitbrains on here for me to deal with. Not that I can't own all of you myself. Now that you read that you must be getting frustrated thinking "who does this guy think he is?" and you're about to type another useless ego post against me. Before you do that, I urge you to shut up and 1v1 me instead to prove you can actually beat me. lol dumbos. Go back to elementary school.


so funny how 1 guy got almost everybody's panties in a bunch.

lol make.