Man I don't know how to break this to you but gunz is what you make it. You can't sit here and tell everyone how to enjoy it better. GunZ has way more than two years of life left, in my opinion gunz won't die, ever. The fact of the matter is, it's too unique. That's why it's been out for 11 years and there are still not only people playing it, but there are AMAZING people working to perfect the game even today. The result of that is fgunz, the absolute greatest private server that has ever existed. I was a developer at 3 servers, and have played gunz since international beta so it's not like my opinion goes for nothing. It's been 11 years. Sorry but this comes off so typical with the whole " uhh the community is dying we need to do THIS" format.

In my opinion, the only change that needs to be made right now, is that they need to make it so you can't use big swords or double big swords when the [glad] code is on. Like sorry if you use double swords you can just get out.