I say no lol. This is a competitive game. When people get competitive, they tease others and say some mean things. Even staff members themselves do it (both to normal players and to each other). Trying to eliminate every single "mean" player is as logical as those anti-bullying campaigns who say they're going to "put a stop to bullying forever" lol. Not logical and not possible.

Maybe to make things easier for both sides, instead of "200-300" reports, maybe report only the extreme cases of people being rude to you. I say this because the impression I get when you say "I make sure I report every mean comment I see" is that you're the type to report someone merely because they called you a "noob" or "dumbass" or something minor lol. Save the reports for big cases, like someone repeatedly calling you the n-word, severely bashing you for your religion/sexual orientation, threatening to DDOS you, something more serious along those lines. It saves you time so you don't have to fill out hundreds of tedious reports, and the staff members don't have to waste their time resolving such minor incidents, allowing them to focus on more important issues.