Originally Posted by StephanM View Post
Back when I was with the crew we had a discussion and idea for it but never really put it through / came with a real solution for it.

We had two idea's;

  1. Where 1 model could have multiple textures that we gave a few colours and the client could read; model A + texture A = Weapon A, model A + texture B = Weapon B, same model but a different texture without having to duplicate the same model (currently that is the only way to have a copy of the model instead of 1 > meaning that the client will be heavier on the size which is a NO NO)
  2. Create part transparent texture that only contain small details of the weapon like screws n stripes but where the model itself is one solid colour (blue for example); Where the client only will read where you change the HUE of the solid colour of the model itself (mesh), so the game could read; model + texture + materiala colour red = Weapon A (red), model A + texture + material colour blue = Weapon B (blue)

Example on option 2, same object but different material colours that would be under the texture.


Also a nice feature! But i'd like "weapon skins" even better...

I just want to use the pioneer again... with the damage of a limit though :p