Originally Posted by Eddie View Post
What if the person in first place is doing something bannable and you want them kicked? If it's physically impossible to kick them while they're in first place, they can just take advantage of that and abuse everyone in the room.

I thought of an idea, but I don't know if it would be possible to code. My idea is basically to stop bullshit kicks. Similar to how you report someone on social media, you give a "reason for reporting" the person. If it's possible, maybe we could do something similar, but once the kick goes through, it would have something that detects if the person is really doing what they're being kicked for. Like say you want to kick someone for spamming, have something that detects how fast the person is sending messages and if they really are spamming. Then from there your vote kick will either get "approved" and it would pop up allowing people to vote like it does now, or it'll get "denied" and GG. There would obviously be the smart asses who try to bypass around this, since you can pretty much bypass anything nowadays, but if this is possible in any way, I think it would help stop a lot of these bullshit kicks that people are throwing out there.

I'm just tossing out ideas. I don't know how difficult this would be to code, or if it's even possible or worth the time and effort.
Or we could just require a higher majority to kick the person in first place.