Originally Posted by Sunfire View Post
The fact Trump won the election in America is a huge wake-up call to Europe. Thats why European leaders are terrified now. I don't really know how you came to Europe or if you are Syrian or not but there's tons of illegal immigrants here.

I will talk about Greece ofc because the things here are crazy. With the liberal idealogy that is going around here, with the economic crisis, with the justice system crisis, came the Refugees crisis. Greek goverment (far-left, almost communists) ignored the middle class totaly, taxed us hella big almost 78-80% for over 100k, they ignored homeless Greek people and believe me there are tons of them and they made camps for 60k refugees. An investigation showed that while Germany (super-economy) paying 12k/refugee/year, Greece is paying 15k/refugee/year, thats 180 million per year more.

Also keep in mind that we are 9.500.00 million Greeks right now and we've got over 2.000.000 Syrians,Pakistanis,Turks,Albanians,Bulgarians,Romanians,Gypsies,Egyptians.
These kind of stuff gave birth to Trump and will give birth to other politicians like Trump to Europe. And I hope that time will come because Europe now with this stupid left policy is getting destroyed and its about time to wake up.

Who ever came legal to Europe, or working,or has a clean background has to stay but others have to go.
As i said before people in USA voted for Trump because they were bored getting ignored. Obama ignored the middle-class, ignored Americans. That's why left has fallen in USA and will fall in Europe.

I'm glad that I see the stupid left policy die.

Can someone answer me why did rich people support Hillary while she was saying she was against them and would tax all their money ? Nobody yet answered my question.
obama couldnt most of the things he wanted because of the republic congress... things would be different if he could