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  1. #1
    Resort's Avatar Aloha

    Join Date
    May 2011

    #1 Could you explain to us who Bart is in 20 words?
    #1 Could you explain to us who Bram is in 20 words?

    Bart: A boy from the Netherlands with a very simple lifestyle. I like working with children and all kinds of music.
    Bram: An intelligent, humorous, kind of a shut-in guy with little to no interests other than music, anime and games.

    #2 What is your biggest fear?
    Bart: Choking in a narrow situation.
    Bram: Living in a world with dumb, uneducated people.

    #3 What is your dream in life?
    Bart: Become an elementary teacher.
    Bram: Finding something which I can truly enjoy doing.

    #4 What has been the biggest challenge in your life so far?
    Bart: Since I haven't really lost any family members (not even granny's etc), I think it must be the struggle with my autism. It's not even that obvious I have autism, aswell as I do not have that many struggles with it in real life (regarding myself).. However when I started this study, all the teachers kind of felt it was hopeless for me, due to my diagnosis. Proving them wrong, must've been the biggest challenge so far.
    Bram: I know it sounds really spoiled and like a 1st-world problem, but I've always hated school with a burning passion. So I guess going to school every day would be my biggest challenge in life at the moment.

    #5 Who is the person you trust the most?
    Bart: There's not one person I trust the most, but if I had to choose it'd be my parents/Bram. From FWorld I'd say Eagle & Amy.
    Bram: I never trust anyone 100%, but I'd say I trust my parents the most.

    #6 If you could star in a movie, what genre would it be and what role would you play?
    Bart: As for the genre; Fantasy/Action (Lord of the Rings). As for the role; something to compare with Aragorn / Gandalf.
    Bram: A psychological thriller/horror, I would play the smart guy who solves every puzzle without problem.

    #7 If you could swap bodies with someone from the Freestylers Community for a day, who would it be, and why?
    Bart: George. He always seems to make the most out of life for some reason, he's never really triggered by anything he's being told here. Also, George is in my opinion (even though we do not know eachother that well), one of the cooler individuals around here.
    Bram: Traumatiser, because I wanna know how it feels like to have weak arms

    #8 If you had to move to another country, which country would you pick and why?
    Bart: Ireland, I absolutly love the country and the landscape. The native language is just amazing, aswell as the pronunciation of the English language.
    Bram: Japan, because I think it's would be fun to live there. (No I'm not a weeaboo)

    #9 Do you have a story about FGunZ that involved you?
    Bart: I started watching video's on YT, someone tried "Aeria GunZ", and so did I. When playing in a Mansion room, I heard something about Freestyle GunZ. And ehh.. when Aeria closed, I came here.
    Bram: Not anything that I can think of.

    #10 Do you consider yourself an introvert or an extrovert?
    Bart: Both, even though most people would describe me as an introvert, I love hanging around with friends and people in general. If I had to choose a lifestyle between one of them, I'd go for the extrovert one.
    Bram: Extremely introvert, although I can have a good time with friends.

    #11 Is there something in game or on the forum that you would like to see being changed? And why?
    Bart: Well, if I was in charge here, I'd start off banning some people who simply do not deserve to be here imo. Why? These people just screw the fun for others, which is something you shouldn't be doing here.
    Bram: Like many others I would like to see the Ego thread gone, because it's a good for nothing thread only used by salty kids who think they're superior to one another because the beat them in a game.

    #12 What is your all-time favourite or current favourite song?
    Bart: I don't have an all-time favourite song, I will never have one. I love almost every genre of music, from hard rock to classic. If there's a song I had to mention as one of my favourite(s);

    Bram: I really can't decide so I'll go with these four:

    #13 What are your all-time favourite games?
    Bart: CS:GO, (OS)RS, GunZ (quitted but still).
    Bram: Runescape, Osu!, Town of Salem and FGunZ.

    #14 What is something that you think other people wouldn't expect about you?
    Bart: I can actually be nice if you're nice to me, I will never start off a conversation judging you by your past. I'm sometimes seen as that "salty", "nerdy", "for attention looking" guy, but I'm not. I prefer having normal conversation with everyone around here, obviously some screwed it up permanently.
    Bram: I'm a good liar...

    #15 If you could only have one meal (including drink) for the rest of your life, what would it be?
    Bart: Mhm.. I think I'd find it incredibly hard to live without Pasta. So, pasta. As for the drink; water. Water is, and will always be my all-time favourite drink.
    Bram: A white bun with alot of Nutella + a glass of milk.

    #16 Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
    Bart: As a(n) (elementary school) teacher.
    Bram: I have absolutely no idea, I have no plans for the future.

    #17 What's something you consider yourself better at than Bram?
    #17 What's something you consider yourself better at than Bart?

    Bart: Patience.
    Bram: Solving problems and adjusting to new situations.

    #18 If you could have one superpower, what would it be and how would you use it?
    Bart: The ability to teleport. I'd visit my family way more often.
    Bram: The ability to have a death note. I would use it to get rid of all the people who want to do harm to others, so I can make the world a better place.

    #19 If a genie granted you 3 wishes right now, what would you wish for?
    1. Stop general hate towards religion, skin colour and the limitations of someone's capabilities.
    2. I honestly can't stand (in the Netherlands in general), the loneliness of elder people. Alot of elder people here in the Netherlands (just speaking for Holland right now) are sitting all day awaiting their dead without being able to do something, whilst they most likely have 1 or 2 children who simply don't feel like coming over. I'd ask the genie to stop that.
    3. The ability to revive people (for a short period of time) to speak with them for one last time.

    1. Alot of money so I can give the people I care about everything they deserve.
    2. Unlimited jars of Nutella.
    3. Cookiezi's aim

    #20 If both of you were stuck on a Island who do you think will die first and why?
    Bart: Well, Bram is more of the brains & thinking, and I prefer doing. I think we'd be a good team, and survive for quiet awhile. I honestly can't tell who'll die first.
    Bram: I think I would die first, because Bart has a better physical condition.

    Next Player Spotlight will be posted on Saturday (March 18th 2017).
    Leave a comment below if you have an interesting/fun/special question you would like to see in an upcoming Player Spotlight.

  2. The following 13 users say thank you to Resort for this useful post:

    Amy (02-18-2017), Bunny (02-18-2017), Daniel (02-18-2017), Eagle (02-18-2017), Fay (02-18-2017), GeorgeGFX (02-19-2017), Nogamenolife (02-18-2017), Ricky (02-18-2017), Sam (02-19-2017), Shayla (02-18-2017), Stuwadie (02-20-2017), TomasEdison (02-18-2017), Traumatiser (02-19-2017)

  3. #2
    Freestyler's Veteran

    Join Date
    Nov 2013
    enjoyed reading dis
    OT :
    #20 If you were sent to an island to survive with a team of 5 FGunZ players (including yourself), which players would you pick to fill the other 4 spots in order to survive?
    Last edited by braazts; 02-18-2017 at 08:23 PM.

  4. The following 4 users say thank you to braazts for this useful post:

    Ommadawn (02-23-2017), Ricky (02-18-2017), StephanM (02-19-2017), «Benjamin» (02-18-2017)

  5. #3
    Ricky's Avatar sir

    Join Date
    Mar 2015
    Nice spotlight, really enjoyed reading it

    off-topic: nice songs bram rawr

  6. #4
    Fay's Avatar Inactive

    Join Date
    Aug 2015
    I think it's funny to see the, pretty visible, differences between Bart and me even though we are brothers =p

    Thx for bringing the spotlights back Jess ^^

  7. The following user said thank you to Fay for this useful post:

    Shayla (02-18-2017)

  8. #5
    Bunny's Avatar woof.

    Join Date
    Mar 2014
    bram would choose milk and white buns with nutella for the rest of his life, something he'd die by not too long afterwards, and yet he is somehow considered the smart one

  9. #6
    SkyWodka's Avatar The ol' razzle dazzle

    Join Date
    Jul 2014
    Still waiting for a spotlight about Sky.
    Want to know what kind of retard he is.

    @ #17: how you can fix your problem when you are the problem?

    sucked georges cock for it

  10. #7
    Fay's Avatar Inactive

    Join Date
    Aug 2015
    Originally Posted by Bunny View Post
    bram would choose milk and white buns with nutella for the rest of his life, something he'd die by not too long afterwards, and yet he is somehow considered the smart one
    Milk = Iron, Calcium + It tastes amazing
    White bun = Carbohydrates
    Nutella = Sugar/Fat + Heaven with every bite

    so your point is??

  11. #8
    Ekital's Avatar Ultima

    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Originally Posted by Bram View Post
    Milk = Iron, Calcium + It tastes amazing
    White bun = Carbohydrates
    Nutella = Sugar/Fat + Heaven with every bite

    so your point is??

  12. #9
    Ranger's Avatar Rãńgěr

    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    What do you do when you are Bored .

    Credits to CharmHye for the avatar pic.

  13. #10
    StephanM's Avatar 🌹

    Join Date
    May 2009
    Bram definitely a weeaboo.


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