Originally Posted by StephanM View Post
I would not randomise it.
Rather do it as;
  • Easy: no modifications
  • Medium: (5% slower 5% less gravity)
  • Hard: (10% slower 10% less gravity)
  • Elite/Extreme: (15% slower 15% less gravity and bunny hop mode?)

Difficulty can always be changed after some testing, that is if they are going to look at it (well Jeff xoxo).
i support the bunny hop mode ( ) but i would say possibly also go for x% faster speed/more gravity, as faster=less control and more gravity is generally harder (both climbing walls and jumping in general), im willing to help with testing if necessary and that is all if any dev is going to even support this gamemode/suggestion entirely.
for a start, from somewhat personal experience i would say 5-15% difference is really minor considering i could finish supermario3 with 50% less speed (to get a point of view try to use the double swords that make you 10% slower to see how minor the difference is)