Originally Posted by Faky View Post
may be Gunz reborn in V8? but waiting from long, new official ET's don't know how to host events so "Events DEAD" ' Rockets in HNS make me cry he reason that he use rocket after seek
yall get more events that you should. If you want them to host more events maybe u event players should start a fund and pay those ETs to host 4-8 hours events per day. They applied for a job because they like events as much as you do or even more and they do this job for free. If you want them to host events all day maybe u should start paying them and help them with real life issues they will leave behind because of you.

Also no, I don't think V8 will revive GunZ, but hopefully it will bring some players to this server from different servers. I think GunZ being a really old game is doing good but not well enough to stay alive for years to come.