Originally Posted by wowus View Post
Better, actually thought out rebuttal time. Didn't have time before.

Laws SHOULD be stricter for teenagers. It IS because you are 16~18 years old that you get into a lot of accidents. That's exactly what it is. Learn to basic physiology.

First of all, as teenagers, you are inexperienced drivers. As with anything in life, experience makes you better at something. Therefore, adults with 10 years of driving experience will drive better than a teenager with 6 months worth.

Second, teenagers aren't exactly massively concerned with their safety. For example, if you have the hottest chick in the world in the passenger seat and she just LOVED fast cars, you would drive recklessly in order to get a piece of that sweet ass. Although adults are also sometimes subject to the same temptations, they are usually safer about it.

Finally, look at some actual statistics before making a claim. If you think this debate is about opinion, then you're clearly doing it wrong. Go. Find some numbers to support your opinion.
