Originally Posted by fujikura View Post
Dayum son, you callin me out bro? Try whispering me for a 1v1 when im not about to log. You're ****ing weird btw. Whispering everyone online to find me JUST to ask for a 1v1. Oh, not just any 1v1, but without donors.

Sure hit me up tomorrow. 11-2.
I believe I did call you out, I'm glad you got the jist of that because here was me thinking you need a bicycle helmet when you play GunZ. Not really, I told you that just so you would take me up on my offer however you dodged and told me you wouldn't 1v1 me. Yes one without donation items it's suprising how bad players are when they can't spam 3 reloadshots in the time frame of 2.

You couldn't and wouldn't ever 11/2 me. You'd stuggle to hit 5/5 on a player who was AFK.