Originally Posted by Eran View Post
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Sometimes in clanwars you play with unfair teams and I don't think it makes much sense to lose elo because of your team so I thought it would make more sense to make it like if you have 3k elo you have to deal 300 or more dmg a round and if you deal less you lose elo, deal more - gain elo.
for example
1k elo - 100 dmg + to gain elo, less than 100 dmg - lose elo
2k elo - 200 dmg + to gain elo, less than 200 dmg - lose elo
3k elo - 300 dmg + to gain elo, less than 300 dmg - lose elo
4k elo - 350 dmg + to gain elo, less than 350 dmg - lose elo
5k elo - 400 dmg + to gain elo, less than 400 dmg - lose elo
6k elo - 500 dmg + to gain elo, less than 500 dmg - lose elo

what do you think?
Playing with unfair team? Choosing team is in our hand idk why 500dmg is for 6k elo players this is impossible when u 2v2 in cw(even 300dmg is harder lol)
ELO system should be fair and equal to everyone