I say that the numbers are inflated because even if we do at this event get everything right and we get a momentary bump in viewership and player engagement, the biggest hurdle is to keep those numbers. The biggest example of this, when everything went as well as it could have gotten, was when Kadai dropped this video. May 2021, EVERY gunz server got this wave of new players, lots of old players came out of their caves, a bunch of creators put out game content, streamers started streaming it. Fast forward to now, we're back to the state of GunZ before that video. Maybe we got 5 players from that era to stay.

I'm not really sold on making this a way to get more players, I think of it as just a way to get the current community something to do or look forward to. Making excitement around it for those of us right here, right now.

I forgot to mention this on my last post but credit where it is due, shoutout to the FGunZ team for shelling out that 100 USD prize money. Monetary compensation for doing well on top of the special items is always dope.