Originally Posted by StephanM View Post
I hope you do know we have other things to do besides GunZ development.
If this would be my living, you would see a lot more updates of course.
But this is our hobby.. that why it takes a lot longer, also because our team is really small.
Yeah, but as I said don't know the code of Gunz, I can get an idea seeing how game works, but surely it's so far away of what I can think. I have experience with other games but not with Gunz. Anyway I'm aware too of that the development of a map can take even more than 1 year, depending on too many facts an such things, but as I said it's adding a invisible ground to the map, it's not making one since 0 or such thing like that. And well idk how much time you guys spend on developing, and that's an important fact on how much time it'll take developing a map, but knowing it's just adding one thing that doesn't even need a texture, and putting my free time as an example for know how much time it could take, I've said 1 month. But yeah, it'll could take even more if you have really few time.